This is the final project and the favourite piece I created in the art course. I use acrylic paint on the canvas to create my work of art. I get my ideas from the concept of protecting the environment and relate it with some traditional culture of my community. I forced creative thinking skills into this piece. I developed my creative thinking skill this semester. I can know where to start and stretch for new ideas. It is a good improvement as creative thinking is a helpful and important skill for creating works of art.
1. Do you tend to be interoceptive or exteroceptive? Why do you think that?
I tend to be interoceptive. Being interoceptive can be more forceful in what I am doing. It is hard for me to concentrate. I am easily affected by the sound or things happening around me. I want to challenge myself and make myself more focused on one area.
2. What type of meditation would be best for your personal growth?
I think interoceptive meditation would be best for my personal growth. As I can not concentrate on myself, my brain will naturally pull out on other things by noise. I am easily distracted. I need to go against what my brain would naturally do at the moment to challenge myself. At this time, the meditation practice can invoke more neuroplasticity and more shift in brain states. When we are doing challenging stuff, we will learn from it and improve ourselves.
3. What type of breathing would be best for you to do during your meditation?
Slow cyclic breathing is the best type of breathing for me to do during my meditation. I can feel relaxed when I extend the time of inhaling and exhaling.
4.What type of breathing would be best for calming you down
As I do not do meditation and breathing often, the answer is not obvious as I think. I learned something during this podcast about the answer to this question. When we are feeling nervous, extending the exhale relatively to the inhale, or event that makes them active exhales is going to shift our nervous system in a direction of more calm.
These Eggs Benedict uses the poached method for the egg. Adding acids to the water can help to keep the egg together. In the scones, we use cold butter to cause flaky layers.The hollandaise Sauce brings out the creamy flavours in the eggs and scones. The production standards of Eggs Benedict are egg hollandaise, yellow, buttery and creamy.
My partner and I are enjoying the finished product. We use our creative thinking skills and communication skills to help us with design and planning. In future labs, I hope the open-mind thinking skills can help us think outside the box and be more creative. My partner’s individual and collaboratively abilities are both good. They can work individually to get their job done and be very patient in the cooperative workspaces.
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I need help. I will talk to my partner to confirm my steps are doing right. Before starting the labs, we will make a plan and make sure each other job.
If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to discuss it together. We can even ask the group that is nearby. We get advice from other people. We need to figure out the solution and what is correct, to make a consistent answer.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I do not know well, I communicate with them and make a plan. Confirm each other’s job and then help to prepare ingredients.
As an active listener, I notice that I rarely speak in the group. My goal is to improve my communication skill. Have more discussions in the group, to share my ideas. By reaching this goal, I will try to join the chat once my groupmate is having it.
The “a” value: In this equation, the a value is -1/3. If the a value is less than 0 (that means the number is negative) the parabola will face downward. This parabola is wider than the standard parabola because the a value is less than 1, as it is a function.
The “h” value: In this equation, the h value is -5. When the h value has been subtracted in the equation, it makes the parabola shift horizontally to the right.
The “k” value: In this equation, the k value is -4. A negativek value makes the parabola shift vertical down. If the k value is positive, the parabola will shift up.
Significance:a, h and k values give a different forms to the parabola. They can decide the parabola is facing down or facing up; shift left or shift right; shift up or shift down.
1. Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in three different ways? (for example, as agraph, an equation and in words)
The equation of parabola is written. There is a picture of my parabola and standard parabola graph by using the DESMOS. I explain in word about how the a, h and k values make the different then the standard parabola.
2. Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.
I use the mathematical vocabulary like: shifts, parabola, vatical, horizontally to help me better describe in this assignment.
3. Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.
First, I use two colors to distinguish the standard parabola and my parabola. Second, The explanation is clearly written in sentences and list. I also bold the important words.
I would like to set my first goal as the critical think in the first semester. Critical think is very important for our learning. It can help me better understand and learn. We need to have our own idea to solve the problem. This skill is practicing our analyzing skill for how to fine a way to solve the problem. We need to keep open mindedness, to look and understand the same question from a different side and different way.
I hope I can practice my communication skill as my second goal in the first semester. I want to develop my communication skills. As I am not a speaking person, I hope I can be more confident to communicate with other people. Can be able to use this skill well in a group work or group project. To communication with the partner is very important, so learn how to communication is very important too.
Creative thinking
The third goal that I set is creative thinking. Creative thinking skill is very important for me as I love drawing. I need to practice this skill to help me get more idea and be more creative when I am creating art works. This is very important. As a work of art can reflect what kind of person you are and what’s your personality be like. I need to practice how to find a way to help me get more and more inspiration for my creation.
For my final art project, I chose the Pop art movement to create. The reason for me to choose the pop art movement is it gave me a very strong visual perception when I looked at it. The style of the work of art is the most attractive one when I am searching. Pop art in my impression is what the classic American retro cartoon looks like. I have been interested in the classic American retro cartoon for a long time. I like the feeling of the American retro style. The art that I want to create is the comic strip. Comic strip plus pop art is a perfect combination. I’ve never tried to draw this style of artwork before. This is a good chance for me to try on different art styles and learn about it. This is the stronger artwork that I have done in art class. It turns out very good and I might try to create more artwork by pop art style.
By reading this story, I learned about how people love society. Love can bring people from different backgrounds together. When two people interested in each other, they will start dating. The parents of two will eventually start to care about are they rich or poor, are they educated or not, are they healthy, etc. That is important for them to know because they need to judge will their children be happy after the wedding by that factor. If the parents think one side of them will bring bad luck, then probably will not agree with them for dating each other anymore. Then that will bring up a conflict. Parents ideas might not agree with the children about love. It will be harder for the children to love each other by parents’ impediments. Therefore the kids marry secretly and the family relationship breakdown.
Humans will have strong emotions like love and hate, which can lead a person to do things without thinking clearly and cause a tragic result. Such as suffering, pain and cheats. It can cause a person to break the rules or traditions to reach what they want. Solving problems and communication are also important. There is the failure of communication shown in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is not able to get the letter that is about Juliet is not dead. She just pretending to be dead, but Romeo does not know that is a fake death. The failure in communicating leads Romeo to suicide. After Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo is dead, she suicide as well. Learning about solving problems and communication can help to reduce sad things that happen. It also might help in getting people’s relationships better as well.
Racism is a belief that humans can be divided into groups or races based on the color of their skin, language, religion, and culture. It also believes that some races are higher than others in some areas. Everyone is not equal in society in the racism. People will have different rules, views, and behaviors about the race that is being discriminated against. Black-skinned people, Jews, Asians, and Muslims are the groups that getting the most discriminated race. This is a hard problem to remove.
The story “To Kill a Mockingbird” shows how a Black man tries to prove himself innocent of not raping a woman, but not successful. Even though Atticus has the proof. Just because Tom Robinson is black, then he needs to accept the punishment. This is racial discrimination. White people discriminate against Blackpeople. Moreover, it shows that racism has become part of the system of justice and is difficult to put right. Is very sad and angry that Tom Robinson is dead at the end. He should not die;he does not do any wrong thing. He should win by the proof that Atticus has in the court. Tom Robinson must get out of the court and continue his life. All the results are caused by the white judges discriminating against black man Tom Robinson.
Nowadays Canada, there is still a minority of racism happened. In the past two years, racism has happened against many Chinese people because of covid-19. Covid-19 started earlier in China. When most diseases spread out from China, other countries started to call it the “Chinese virus”. Some Chinese living in other countries began to be attacked. There was something similar happened to my sister. She was called the “Chinese virus” by a classmate at school. the classmate told her to go back to her country and not bring the virus here. Just because my sister is Chinese and wore the mask. These people just believed what they saw on the internet. They did not accept the fact. They just believed what their beliefs are and what they thought.
Racism is a very hard problem to solve. It is impossible to control everybody’s thinking and beliefs. If people’s consciences cannot be shaped by truth but shaped by racial prejudice, then the system of justice will fail to protect those who need helps. Luckily, not all the people in the world discriminate against others. They would try their best to help and protect someone who is experiencing racism and Propaganda to stop this behavior. I believe there is no more racism happening someday in the future. It will be a more peaceful and loving world.
This is a diagram that showing the relationship in nature. There is a life balance between each items on earth. The plants get energy from sun and produce oxygen and glucose. This process called photosynthesis. The oxygen produce for animal and human. Human and animals need air. They will produce carbon dioxide after they get the air into their body. This is called respiration. After that, the plants will absorb the carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen again. This is how the earth work. It have a perfect organization in each relationship in the nature.
Self-Assessment I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. For this art work, my idea is to show what is a Chinese tradition lion dance look like. I build up the idea go through a picture of a traditional Chinese lion dance head. Then I want to draw about the people is performing the dance. As we used to have this type of performance in a big festival or parade. It dance with drum beat. I also add some Chinese elements in the background. That’s all my thinking and creating process of this art work.