Creating A Positive Digital Footprint

Personal/Social Competency Reflection
Some short/ long term goals with my digital spaces include… [spending less time online and spend the time I am online in a more productive manner], and my plan to achieve them is… [find things I enjoy to do instead.] (include where you might seek help from others)
Some short/ long term goals with my digital spaces include spending less time online and spend the time I am online in a more productive manner, and my plan to achieve them is find things I enjoy to do instead. I have a bullet journal and I would love to spend more time working on it instead of scrolling mindlessly. I could go on bike rides, or walks. Something outside to get some fresh air.
My values around [my personal privacy] inform my decisions about… [what I share online.]
My values around my personal privacy inform my decisions about what I share online. Based on this project and others like it I have learned that personal privacy is very important. I myself am not very open on line generally but after learning about the stuff that stays around I am definitely more careful than before about what I share, even to people I know.
By doing… [being respectful online], I make a positive difference to my peers.
By being respectful online, I make a positive difference to my peers. I don’t screenshot people’s Instagram stories or their snaps etc. to make sure that I am making at least a small difference in their privacy and security online.
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