For future plans I don’t have a specific idea of what job I want but I do think I want a job that deals with biology, chemistry or math. Last year in science I did enjoy learning about those two areas of science and I generally like learning about the world around me and who things work because sometimes science can be mind boggling and I think a job where I am always learning is a good path for me.
I also like theatre a lot, I included it in both my passion and future plans because in my future I want to be able to buy myself tickets to theatre and go see plays and musicals because I really enjoy seeing live performances
In the values section I decided to include school. I really meant education. I don’t think school is the only place where education is important and, despite sounding pretentious, I do think people are right when they say you never stop learning.
I included honesty and kindness as well because I think they are both important. I did include “given and received” because I think it is important that honesty and trust goes both ways between two people.
I put reading as a passion because in recent months I have started reading a lot after not reading very much for years. I read before I go to bed and I think it’s a healthy habit I’ve picked up.
I have softball because I’ve done the sport for a very long time and the team environment has always been super nice. In passions I also included dancing and music because music is a very frequent part of my life. I listen to it in my free time, I use it to boost my mood or to take my mind off stressful things I think that it is just an important part of my life.