I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as when…

In my project I used what I knew about sinusoidal functions and applied it to a calculated equation. I used evidence I learned in class and from practice to conclude and decipher how each value affected the graph in order to fit my data. For example, the calculated k value shows how much the graph must be moved on the y axis. All the y values in my data averaged out to be about 8.00 so it makes sense that the k value would be about 8.00 to move the sinusoidal graph upward to fit the data. I used similar processes of using information I knew or could calculate to explain the other variables and their relation to my data and graphed function.
My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…
In my variable explanations there was of course many ways to prove that each value was correct. Instead of listing all of these I used the simplest evidence and used it as my explanation. Why use every piece of evidence when it will make your presentation confusing. I looked back at classroom notes and was able to simplify every explanation to the necessary information for it to be understood. I also used explanations that made sense to me in simple terms because if my presentation was to be used for something like teaching the concept of transformations in sinusoidal functions, it would need to be understood by people with less understanding of transformations.
This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences:

For my PowerPoint presentation I put a lot of thought into it’s arrangement and how to best represent all my information simply. This slide is an example of this because i used images that were reasonably sized and tried to keep the text small to not overpower the actual data being shown. I chose to do this on this slide because the only need for the text is to explain the context of each image. On other slides I changed my approach though and instead used one image and then left the majority of the slide dedicated to text because I needed to explain the image. In all cases I wanted to keep each slide simple and avoid being too wordy.
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

When I needed to give my opinion of my calculations I had to communicate effectively. I tried to keep my opinion simple and made sure to not repeat similar points. Repeating points in different sections of the text makes it difficult to follow and instead I left the explanations short and arranged in a thought out manner. This helps me elaborate on opinions without overexplaining myself.