In the Heat of the Night: The Movie

My Movie

Character, Setting and Mood

In this story it was very important to look back throughout the chapters we’ve read to check for information. Often you had to make an educated guess on pieces of information about your character. In his project I learned how knowing or figuring out the setting of a story can be very important in your understanding of the material and themes presented. The mood is also affected by the setting of the book. Mood is a word to describe the tone and emotional impact the story is evoking. My group personally decided our movie should have a more dramatic tone because of the subject matter and the internal battle within our character, Sam. Overall, looking back on information presented throughout the book allowed us to make educated guesses to better our understanding of the mood and themes in the story.

Core Competency Reflection

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include…
I often decide if I think they will be able to actually finish their portion. If not I would divide work to give them a smaller part or an easier task to complete. I also consider people’s skills such as writing or drawing. I will even try to adjust our project so a skill could be used instead of giving that person a job they will struggle completing.

I seek, develop and weigh options as demonstrated by…
My techniques in helping my group write the timeline of our PowerPoint/movie on ‘In the Heat of the Night’. I suggested we write out all the important points for our character then choose points to remove, keep, or elaborate on. We did this and ended up with a concise, reasonable length story.

An example of an idea I developed that was new to my peers is…
An idea I came up with in Drama class. We were tasked with mashing two fairy-tale stories together into a small skit to perform the same day. My group first got together and were unsure at first about which two fairy-tales to use. I put forward an idea and although we did not end up using it, the rest of my group felt more confident about putting forward ideas or tweaking mine to create more ideas and we put together a great skit.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…
I often take a few deep breaths. Depending on the situation I will maybe take a quick break or take a sip of water which is often a good way to calm myself down and focus on any tasks that require completion or just give myself an emotional boost.

Meal Planning Assignment


A family of 4 needs a meal plan that works with their weekly activities. They want everyone to cook at least once every week. They want everything to be accounted for including the cook, what they are eating, the portion of the recipe, and what time they will eat.


CookParent ATeen 1Teen 2Teen 2Parent B
RecipeBeef and Spinach LasagnaBlack Bean TacosChicken Satay NoodlesChickpea Cauliflower CurryVegetable Pad Thai 
4:40 PM6:00 PM4:50 PM5:35 PM5:40 PM 
Dinner Time6:00 PM6:15 PM5:30 PM6:00 PM6:20 PM 

New Recipe – Chicken Satay Noodles

  • This recipe is somewhat healthy, and not too high in calories.
  • Each serving provides 747 kcal, 46g protein, 84g carbohydrates (of which 14g sugars), 23g fat (of which 9g saturates), 10g fiber and 2.7g salt.



  • Parent A gets home at 4:30 meaning they have some time before cooking at 4:40.
  • Beef and Spinach Lasagna is one of the longer recipes, but it can be completed with more than enough time to spare, giving parent B enough time to eat and go the Fitness Class at 7:00.
  • Beef and Spinach Lasagna makes 12 servings with the normal recipe. To make a proper number of servings so no food goes to waste, Parent A needs to make one third of the recipe.


  • Teen 1 gets home at 3:30 with Teen 2. Teen 2 has to get ready for soccer so Teen 1 will cook.
  • They will start cooking at 6:00 so that both parents can make sure nothing goes wrong.
  • If Teen 1 starts cooking at 6:00 they will be done at 6:15 giving the family time to eat and get ready for Teen 2’s soccer.


  • On Wednesday the family has no activities in the afternoon. So, Teen 2 can start cooking at 4:50.
  • Parent A will be home to make sure Teen 2 doesn’t burn or hurt themselves.
  • Dinner will be served at 5:30 right when Parent B gets home.
  • Chicken Satay Noodles makes 4 servings so there is no need to change the recipe.


  • Teen 2 will be cooking because Teen 1 will be tired from Basketball.
  • They will start cooking at 5:35 so that food will be ready right Parent A gets home.
  • This means the food can’t get cold.


  • Parent A comes home at 4:30, Parent B comes home at 5:30, and Teen 2 comes home at 3:30. Teen 1 doesn’t come home until 9:30 because of school and work.
  • Parent B comes home and takes 10 minutes to get ready to cook, takes 35 minutes to cook, and 5 minutes to prepare. Teen 1 can’t come home, so the other 3 people eat around.
  • Vegetable Pad Thai makes 6 serving, Parent B has to make 1/3 of the original recipe. Teen 1 can reheat the food later and eat when they get home from work.

References – Beef and Spinach Image – Black Bean Tacos Image – Chicken Satay Noodle Recipe and Image – Chickpea Cauliflower Curry Image – Vegetable Pad Thai Image

Collaboration Reflection

Communication and Sharing Information

Describe all the ways your group communicated and shared information with each other.

For this project my group had a shared word document. This allowed all the people in our group to share our justifications and solutions for each day. We also communicated in person to ask questions about other group members opinions.

Use of Technology

Describe all the ways your group used technology. Were you familiar with these digital tools before this assignment or was this your first time using any of them?

All the members in my group used laptops to access our shared word document. We all have used Microsoft Word before and I have experience with sharing documents so more than one person has access to them.

We also used Edublog. All our group members have used this in the school year. Our group did have to experiment with how we could represent our solution in each of our blog posts.

Distribution of Tasks

Describe how tasks were distributed in your group.

Our group decided that it would be best if we split the work by days. One person did Monday and Wednesday and another member did Tuesday and Thursday. The third member of our group did Friday but they also found a new recipe for our group to use in the solution. We did our best to make everything equal.

My Work and Contribution

What tasks did you complete? When I look at your group’s solution, where can I see evidence of your contribution?

I completed the final solution and justified Monday and Wednesday.
In the final solution I also completed the solution and justified Thursday because one of my group members did not complete his part of the project.
I also rewrote the problem for my group.

About Me


My name is Claire. When I’m not doing homework I play soccer or softball. I’ve been playing soccer since I was in grade 2 and softball since I was in grade 3. I like creative writing when I’m actively doing it, but I have a lot of trouble starting or deciding what to write. It’s a bit of a problem. I also like listening to music in my free time. I often listen to it when doing homework to make it at least a bit enjoyable.



I like Pinterest for a lot of reasons. You can find pictures and short videos about almost anything and I find it fun to spend time just looking at random facts or funny pictures. It gives me a spot to save ideas I find so I can find them again.


The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals

I like this musical, a lot. The story and the songs are great and I have re-watched it lots. A lot of the jokes make me laugh almost ever time and I find that its a fun way to spend free time.
All the songs are great and nice to listen to even when not watching the full musical.


I took this photo while I was on a vacation over the summer in Whistler with my family. My parents, siblings, and me hiked up the mountain on a path until we reached the Olympic rings. I like it because of angle of the rings and the sky’s color.


If you procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem… break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.

Robert Collier

I have a lot of problems with procrastination and I often put off things even when I need to/want to do them. That’s why I like this quote, its helpful advice that could be useful to almost anyone. Most quotes might be “inspiring” but they often can’t actually help with your problem or getting work done. This quote is short, sweet and can actually help you in your life, in a lot of ways, not just homework or chores. This quote reflects how easy it can be to make big problems into smaller, quicker, more fulfilling tasks that relieve you of some of the stress.


Image: I took the photo myself
Quote: (this is where I found the quote – quote from Robert Collier)