My name is Claire. When I’m not doing homework I play soccer or softball. I’ve been playing soccer since I was in grade 2 and softball since I was in grade 3. I like creative writing when I’m actively doing it, but I have a lot of trouble starting or deciding what to write. It’s a bit of a problem. I also like listening to music in my free time. I often listen to it when doing homework to make it at least a bit enjoyable.
I like Pinterest for a lot of reasons. You can find pictures and short videos about almost anything and I find it fun to spend time just looking at random facts or funny pictures. It gives me a spot to save ideas I find so I can find them again.
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
I like this musical, a lot. The story and the songs are great and I have re-watched it lots. A lot of the jokes make me laugh almost ever time and I find that its a fun way to spend free time.
All the songs are great and nice to listen to even when not watching the full musical.

I took this photo while I was on a vacation over the summer in Whistler with my family. My parents, siblings, and me hiked up the mountain on a path until we reached the Olympic rings. I like it because of angle of the rings and the sky’s color.
If you procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem… break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time.
Robert Collier
I have a lot of problems with procrastination and I often put off things even when I need to/want to do them. That’s why I like this quote, its helpful advice that could be useful to almost anyone. Most quotes might be “inspiring” but they often can’t actually help with your problem or getting work done. This quote is short, sweet and can actually help you in your life, in a lot of ways, not just homework or chores. This quote reflects how easy it can be to make big problems into smaller, quicker, more fulfilling tasks that relieve you of some of the stress.
Image: I took the photo myself
Quote: (this is where I found the quote – quote from Robert Collier)