Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… my ‘The Battle of Marathon’ Presentation.
In this presentation I was able to combine important information and simplify it into bullet points. This is important for presenting information because it demonstrates a knowledge of the subject and ensures you are not just reading from your visual. I think my strength defiantly lies in the actual act of understanding the subject and explaining it. I am able to take quick queues and explain a subject in depth with connections to other pieces of the presentation. Though I am good at explaining information clearly, I sometimes struggle with knowing what specific bullet points would best support my presentation. I tend to sum up my whole point instead of choosing the main important ones. I attempted to remedy this issue with this presentation and left some of my minor points off of the actual presentation while still adding them to the discussion. I hope to improve on this in other presentations while still including important queues for myself to discuss key information during the presentation.
In my presentation about The Battle of Marathon it was crucial to find evidence that supported different sources. I mostly relied on the textbook resources that were provided but I found a few spots where the textbook quoted Herodotus as truth. This is very dangerous and a few other sources cited this properly as a story about the truth of what occurred. I found that a few sources claimed that this battle was after the Persians destroyed another Greek city and some sources do not mention this at all. Small inconsistencies like this are something I make sure to add into my presentation in order to discuss them. It is interesting to consider these differences in accounts of the battle. All this evidence is important to sort through which I do think is a strength of mine. I would like to improve my ability to confidently decipher whether a source is reliable though. Usually I can tell if I’ve heard the name before, if it is some sort of established company, or if I can find a bibliography. Other than these signs, I have some trouble with this and I would like to practice this skill for my future in post-secondary.