My Advertisement
The Witch Pencil

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques
Persuasion and Advertisement Unit Reflection
The person selling the advertisement doesn’t benefit from the product and the money doesn’t belong to them, Instead they belong to the company because the person selling and people buying the product they are benefitting the company it came from.
Ethical persuasion technique would be a good one to use if you’re selling a product to people. People the viewing product will know what company it came from and if it’s worth purchasing them and how good is the product quality.
Card Stacking is a clever technique that some companies use to fool buyers on the market. They do this so to gain more money from their products and sometimes if its overdone it can become a scam and some companies got sued. A lot of small companies also uses this to grow their business and compete against the others like McDonalds and Burger King.
Core Competency Reflection
I respectfully advocated for my needs on this project by asking the teacher clarification if I’ struggling to understand something on my project. I used to think about most advertisement being useless and now I know the different unique strategies their using to persuade people because of the benefits the company will receive. I now like a little bit more about ads and I sometimes use them to inspire people. One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was looking at older ads from the early and mid 20th century and what made me creative is how advertising was progressed throughout the years.