Cupcake Print AD Reflection

Me and my partner both decided to choose Canva.This was because we believed that this was the simplest app to use and we both were familiar with it. A challenge me and my partner went through was the fact that we couldnt think of any designs to make our print ad better looking

Communicating: Me and my partner both communicated and agrees on the things that are reasonable to add.

Social Awareness and Responsibility:In this project, i found it easy to work with my partner since i found that me and my partner had many things in common.

Creative Thinking: I can form new ideas to create new things . I can also build on the ideas of others.

Advertisement Persuasion Project

My Advertisement


Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?

It is important because sometimes, there are times when there are age restrictions when selling items. For example, if there was an advertisement for beers, it would only be suitable for adults like 18 over and not for kids.

· Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional

Logical: It is effective because knowing true facts can help people understand the concept of the item of the advertisement. Adding fake statements in the advertisement can lead to fees.

· Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.

Special Offers: Getting special offers can convince many people to buy that item because the deal wont last forever. Knowing that there isnt much time persuades people to buy it fast before it runs out.

Core Competency Reflection

I knew my group is working well together when I heard them communicating and everyone trying to contribute to the work bit by bit.

One strategy or activity that stimulated my imagination on this project was to see if it would be effective to use inside of the hunger games. I imaged if our item would work well in the hunger games which I believe that it would.

I used to think not as effective about advertisement and now I know about the many ways because of the persuasion techniques and the advertisement ways.

Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project


Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

Collaboration Prompts: I chose this prompt because I show that I value their contributions by adding a little bit of their idea into the work to show that they contributed.

Communication Prompts: Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in group talks. I try my best to contribute at least a little to show my understand and my ideas.

Social Awareness and Responsibility Prompts: Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are constantly communicating with my peers, contributing in group works, and starting conversations.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility Prompts: When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music when I want to boost my mood, and I try my best to move my phone not to be seen so that I can focus back onto what I was doing.

My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

4-6 Sentences

This year, I am most proud of learning all the new things that prepare me to grade 10. Catching up with all the work is not easy but when you know how to do it and learn it, I get a better idea of the work. When I am having difficulty with something, I usually listen to music because listening to music calms me down and helps me focus better. This year, I enjoyed learning many new things and making many new friends. I wish to keep the things I learned and not to forget them.

A Useful Educational Website

2-3 Sentences

One educational website I decided to choose was French verbs. This has helped me improved my French verbs and showed me the many verbs of French. Using this website helped me a way better understanding of French.

153 Most Common French Verbs for Basic Conversations | FluentU French Blog’. FluentU French, 28 July 2023,

A Useful Educational Video

2-3 Sentences

The video I chose was “I quit my phone for 30 days” I watched this in Physical Education and it has helped me get less screen time on my phone and this video helped me go outside more often instead of going on my phone and going on social media. It also has helped me focus more on school and the only reason now I go on my phone is to listen to music.

Matt D’Avella. I Quit My Phone for 30 Days. 2023. YouTube,

An Useful Educational Image

2-3 sentences

The image I chose was a list of adjectives to use when writing or typing. I know that I really need to improve my English so this really helped with my vocabulary.

An Inspirational Quote

2-3 sentences

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” —Albert Einstein

This quote inspired me because when I was grade 8 I was a good grade student but when I came to high school. I started to struggle a lot because of the work and home works. I got used to the work and I learned from my mistakes to overcome failure.

Works Cited

153 Most Common French Verbs for Basic Conversations | FluentU French Blog’. FluentU French, 28 July 2023,

Matt D’Avella. I Quit My Phone for 30 Days. 2023. YouTube,

Contract Law Storyboard Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal. I know this because I show when I am struggling by asking the teacher for support and answer questions when asked.

I am kind to others, and support other when they need it. I know this because I respect my teachers and peers and I know when someone needs help and help them sometimes.

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals. I know this because I always look back on my work to see the things I need to improve on my looking at my teachers note.

Technology and Well Being Reflection

Whenever I get stressed, there are many ways i can overcome this. Some examples can be like sleeping so that I dont have to think about the stress and struggle I am going through. Playing video games also helps me prevent me from getting stress because focusing on video games will calm my mind from the stress. One other thing I do when I am stressed is to go outside and do activities until the stress is out of my whole body. Doing all of these prevent me from having stress and helps me go back to what I was doing.

I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour. I chose this because I am kind towards my peers and teachers and support them when needed. I am quiet and dont disturb the class and do my individual work.

I can appreciate diverse perspectives on issues and can resolve problems respectfully and effectively.  Whenever I am having a problem, I try to resolve it without needing help from people.

I find it easy to be part of a group. Talking to people is normal for me even though I usually dont talk in class. I was shy but i overcame that problem and now I can talk to people which means i can be part of groups and participate in group activities.

Social Studies 9: Final Reflections

Semester reflection

This semester, I completed a independent historical fiction novel study by reading The Powder Monkey, which was about a small character who wanted to become part of the navy but got captured hostage and the adventure started there. In the book, the character Silas should not be emulated because he shows traits that are unrealistic in a way because of how brave he is to go into fights fearless. This is unrealistic due to the situation around him and he is one of the youngest out of the crew. I also practiced using concrete evidence from a text. One of the best pieces of evidence I used for this project was the usage of quotes since that shows the reader that whats going on in the book. Deciding whether or not to emulate this person’s actions matters today because sometimes when reading a book, you can tell that the character should be emulated or not by negative behaviour, unrealistic trait, one dimensional character, and fictional realities.

Core Competency

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions, as demonstrated in my novel study reading as I show many quotes that lead to the questions asking about the character.

I gather and synthesize information to develop logical conclusions, such as when writing my final paragraph in my novel study reading.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions, as demonstrated in my final social studies test on the industrial revolution.

ADL Social Studies- Ethical Judgement

***Audio file***

Reflection Questions

A) How did the use of AI assist you in developing this project

After asking AI, it gave me a better reasoning on my part of this assignment.

B) How did you ensure that the work you created was still your own, rather than just a product of the AI

I got the sources from AI but i used my own words to provide my reasoning.

C) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or Why not?

I would not agree with my position because my main reason would be self defence. You cant just keep getting harmed and not fight back.

Competency Reflection

***Choose 2 of the prompts to write about***

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try and communicate with them to start a conversation. doing this can help the both of us have a better understanding with each other which can also help us with the group activity or assignment were doing.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include searching in google and going into specific sources cited. I also try asking AI for sources to help me find the information i need in order to co

Science Method Self Assessment

Core Competency Self assessment and Creative Thinking

I am most proud of my egg drop lab because although the egg cracked, I believe that if it fell towards the side and not the front it would have been safe without a scratch. My golf ball tower was a failure because we ran out of materials really fast. Strategies that our group used was that if we use less tape, then we will have more space to add on and make the tower and the eggs protection more sturdier. In the 2 experiments, I now have a better understanding on the scientific method. This is because that we followed the steps carefully and making sure that we are on the part that we are supposed to be on. I demonstrated that I can create new things when I’m working with a partner. This helps me because me and my partner have our own ways to be creative which can lead to an agreement on what we want to do. When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the Scientific Method labs would be when we were doing the practice day for the golf tower, me and my partner was struggling because our tower was not sturdy enough. Then the next day, we had a improvement of a whole foot because we limited on the materials we used and made sure that everything was sturdy enough to hold a golf ball. I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others when I understand their prototype and get how it works.

Digital Footprint

Insert Word Art & Paragraph or Canva

If you are using the internet, you should always be cautious of what you are searching up and there is a chance that your information can be on the internet. Internet safety and being positive can be important on the internet because people can steal the negative things that you say or do and post it on the internet where many people can see. Some examples of unsafe and negative activities can be: cyber-bullying, posting stuff about yourself on the internet, posting stuff that is not safe, etc.

Works Cited

Minimum 2 sources

Your Digital Footprint May Be, Accessed 21 Sept. 2023.

Four Reasons to Care About Your Digital, Accessed 26 Sept. 2023.CloseDeleteEdit

Core Competency Reflection

Personal/Social Competency Reflection

  1. Some short/ long term goals with my digital spaces include: not giving away my name or never giving out my password to random people i dont know. My plan to achieve them is by saying no when someone asks you for your information or anything that can be dangerous digitally.
  2. Some of the ways I build and maintain a positive online relationship is by making sure im speaking or texting someone similar to my age and making sure that they arent doing anything suspicious like asking for your information whether its real life or online.
  3. I make digital ethical choices such as only commenting on the posts that is nesseccary in order to keep a healthy relationship with other people and doing this also can help you be a good digital citizenship.

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