Hello, my name is Daniel and I’m 13 years old. Some of my interests include video games and sports like badminton, volleyball, and more. I have many goals and one of them is being able to read and write in Japanese by grade 12, another to get good grades on all classes this year. Some words that describe me are: hardworking, dedicated, and confident. My favorite subject is math.

This image inspires me because society is filled with both happy and sad people.
This is one of my favorite sites because I love watching anime’s. It has millions of amazing anime’s to watch and enjoy.
“Keep a light, hopeful heart. But expect the worst.”
― Joyce Carol Oates
I chose this video because it was very inspiring to me. It shows how a kid was bullied just from the looks of his backpack. Some people noticed and someone bought him a whole backpack! The main point of the story is just to not bully others.