Digital Footprint

Core Competency Self Assessment:

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include limiting my online screen time and how much I go on my device per day.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are talking to them often and just be nice to them all the time.

By staying positive online, I make a positive difference to my peers.

(10 Tips to Stay Safe on Social Media)

(“Staying Safe on Social Media”)

Advertisement and Persuasion

My ad works because a variety of persuasion techniques in the ad itself. For example, I used logical appeal and ethical appeal.

In this project, I think I used the core competency, thinking the most. I thought of the different ways I could present the project and how to make it more persuasive to others. If I was stuck and had trouble with something, I would try to persevere and finish it. I also used communication, I communicated with my partner and we chose our own roles of what to do and how to present to the class.