Table Top Game Reflection

The main purpose of a business plan is to plan out initially on what to do so no one would be lost and not understand. The hardest part of the sheet was to probably think of the starting money.

In this blog I used the Competency, Communication the most because I communicated with my group and thought of ideas together.

“Compare Two Brands” Marketing Reflection

3 things I learned

  • I learned about the different strategies different brands use for their advertising; for example some brands advertise in social medias while others advertise on things like newspapers, and television.
  • I learned about the four p’s (Price, Place, Promotion, Product).
  • I learned more about advertising

Core Competencies

In this project, the Competency I showed most was communication. My group and I communicated well together thinking of possible ideas of what to do and how to do it. If anyone in my group had any trouble, we would always help each other out

PHE 9 AH Reflection

My Stressors

In school, one of my stressors are tests and projects. If I’m ever stressed in any of these things, I would persevere and try to get them done. In tests I would try to study the most I can and not procrastinate on anything. Another stressor could be when I am working and would have to get things done in time quickly. To cope with this I would just not be lazy and do it.

Core Competency Reflection

I can identify my strengths and identify my potential. I chose this because I know the things I’m good at but I also know the things I’m weak at.

I use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. If I ever feel down I would use many strategies like listening to music, taking deep breaths, or sleeping.

I can Identify and explain my qualities. To me, I think everyone is able to identify and explain what they’re best at.

The statement I would want to work on is “I find it easy to work in a group.” For me, I think its harder to work in a group .

Math Core Competency Self Assessment

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, listening to music and sleeping helps me be more productive or calm.

I know the group is working well together when I can hear them communicating with each other, and giving each other ideas.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by allowing them to talk and to listen to their ideas.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music.