Digital Footprint

Core Competency Self Assessment:

Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include limiting my online screen time and how much I go on my device per day.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are talking to them often and just be nice to them all the time.

By staying positive online, I make a positive difference to my peers.

(10 Tips to Stay Safe on Social Media)

(“Staying Safe on Social Media”)

Meal Planning Assignment


The main problem was to make a good dinner schedule for the family.



For Monday we chose Teriyaki chicken because it fits the amount of time we had to cook and eat. It has 4 servings so there would be no leftovers and parent B is cooking because they have the most time. Dinner starts at 6:00 because everyone is home. We chose to start cooking at 5:25 so they have enough to cook and enough time to set the table. 

For Tuesday they have Chicken Cauliflower Curry because it doesn’t take take too long to make, and it is suitable for Teen 1’s skill. We chose to use half of the recipe because there would be 4 servings and no leftovers. Dinner starts at 6:30 because everyone is home.

Wednesday they have Grilled Cheese because it is the quickest and easiest meal to make, since everyone is so busy that day. Teen 2 was chosen because he has the most time that day and Teen 2 can’t really cook complicated meals. We doubled the recipe to have 4 servings. Dinner starts at 6:30 because everyone is home and it is half an hour before anyone starts going.

For Thursday they have Alfredo Ravioli because they have have a lot of spare time to cook and eat the meal. We chose to have 6 servings so the Teens could have lunch for the next day. Parent A is cooking because

Friday they have Chicken pot pie. Parent B and Teen 1 is cooking because Chicken pot pie is a difficult meal and they’re skilled enough to make it. We chose this because it takes a long time, and they have a lot of time to cook. For this recipe, there are 6 servings, so they can invite their aunt and uncle. We chose 6 servings because that way, each family member has a serving.


In our group, I think we collaborated well. Everyone in our group had different jobs. 2 people were finding different recipes and the other 2 were thinking of the time to make the food. I think using technology was pretty useful in the project, we used it for finding the recipes and working on the shared document and Edublog. In the group, each person contributed on why we chose the foods, who is cooking, and the different portions. We all shared our ideas and opinions of what we wanted. I completed a few things, for example, I chose the Grilled cheese on Wednesday and explained why we chose it.

Self Assessment: Critical Thinking

I think I showed Critical Thinking best. Whenever I am stuck on anything, I would have to persevere and think of different solutions to fix that, for example when I was stuck on why we chose the Alfredo Ravioli.

Recipe links:

Alfredo Ravioli bake: K-Dub’s Alfredo Ravioli Bake Recipe | Allrecipes 

Chicken teriyaki: Chicken Teriyaki | Ready Set Eat  


About me

Hello, my name is Daniel and I’m 13 years old. Some of my interests include video games and sports like badminton, volleyball, and more. I have many goals and one of them is being able to read and write in Japanese by grade 12, another to get good grades on all classes this year. Some words that describe me are: hardworking, dedicated, and confident. My favorite subject is math.

This image inspires me because society is filled with both happy and sad people.


This is one of my favorite sites because I love watching anime’s. It has millions of amazing anime’s to watch and enjoy.


“Keep a light, hopeful heart. But ­expect the worst.”
― Joyce Carol Oates

I chose this video because it was very inspiring to me. It shows how a kid was bullied just from the looks of his backpack. Some people noticed and someone bought him a whole backpack! The main point of the story is just to not bully others.