Spoken Language 11 Debating

My Debate Topic

Mandatory participation in a class focused mainly on indigenous content should be required for graduation.

Taylor M.Danny
Lukas Enrico

The main point of my con side was that it takes away students rights for their academic freedom and superficial engagement and unauthentic learning. I made the example of a math question and used a forgotten formula to compare and represent unauthentic learning. The pros side argued that people need to know about this and its for reconciliation.

My Debate Reflection

Debating helped me learn that a a good hook can determine the rest of your argument. The difference between a good hook and a hook is huge and in my opinion, my hook was successful and I am proud of it. Before I defaulted to asking a simple question as a hook and sure, it worked as a hook, but it definitely would not work to hook. A hook that draws in the viewer to question and wonder, actively thinking about the connection of what I’m saying versus my topic, is an excellent hook.

The Best Resource I Found


Surprisingly, a resource that has no connection to my topic helped my understanding of my arguments and my topic. Connecting two different things takes critical thinking and understanding of both things to find the similarities that assist my point. It did not give me evidence on why my argument is correct but the reason why I chose this is because it helped me understand it instead.

My Favourite Quote

Indigenous peoples are people who should be looked up to, respected, and admired.

Danny Pal

This helped me set the tone of my argument and show that my argument is not of resentment but facts and reasoning for the benefit of the students. I tried to be as respectful as possible with my argument and this is the quote that shows my effort.

Works Cited

APA PsycNethttps://psycnet.apa.org/record/2009-03772-005. Accessed 29 May 2023.

Bernstein, Larry. “What Is Student Engagement and Why Does It Matter?” Xello, 8 Apr. 2022, //xello.world/en-ca/blog/student-engagement/what-is-student-engagement/.

“Maths Formulas For Class 9 | List of Important Formulas for Grade 9.” BYJUS, 2 Jan. 2020, https://byjus.com/maths/maths-formulas-for-class-9/.

Offering & Managing Student Choice | SFUSDhttps://www.sfusd.edu/learning/resources-learning/google-resources-sfusd/google-instruction/offering-managing-student-choice#:~:text=Student%20choice%20simply%20means%20giving,how%20or%20what%20they%20learn. Accessed 29 May 2023.

“The Importance of Learner Engagement on Performance.” TalentLMShttps://www.talentlms.com/ebook/learner-engagement/importance-learner-engagement-performance. Accessed 29 May 2023.

Core Competencies Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information when I researched for my debate include thinking critically on what points should be said and shouldn’t and then gathering evidence afterwards.

If there was a disagreement with my partner, I found it helpful to talk to him directly. If I talk to him directly I can incorporate both my part and his part to get the most built product.

I remain open minded as I explored my topic and how I would develop my argument as evidenced by thinking outside the box. to develop my argument while gaining the audiences understanding and evidence I put an interesting and connective point as well as a whole part where I respect my topic. Land acknowledgment and respect for indigenous.

This part of debating stimulated my imagination by making me look at both perspectives of the argument. The rebuttal portion of the debate which I was responsible for forced me to think of creative ways my opponents would try to argue against my side.


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