Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self Assessment

Picture of my complete map

Curricular Response-

I interpreted “My Land,” and realized that parts of it were talking about natural things vs artificial or manmade things. I created the binary “natural:artificial” and connected it to one of my quotations. The quote that really stood out to me was, “replaced all the greenery with concrete buildings,” so I used it and strategically placed it near Vancouver. I based my images off of the binary “natural:artificial” and the quotation itself. My first image was a direct image of “greenery,” a tree and my second image was a figurative picture being a robotic “artificial” arm. These two images along with my quotation supported the meaning that I interpreted from “My Land.”

Core Competency Self-Assessment-

This assignment was atypical for English class, and different from anything we have ever done this year. I struggled a bit during this assignment because it made me think differently than I’m used to. Some challenges that I faced while completing this assignment were interpreting the songs, understanding what a figurative image was, and connecting my quotations with binaries. I was able to understand these things after analyzing the song better, and asking Ms. Willett for help regarding the figurative image. While reading the lyrics, I kept asking myself, “are any of these words or phrases opposite in meaning,” which really helped me create binary opposites. Additionally, Ms. Willett helped me understand that figurative just meant explaining something indirectly, almost in a metaphorical way.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Reflection

Throughout completing this interesting project, I definitely demonstrated some core competencies. Most of them being in the Personal/Communication categories.


I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies– The “media source” that I chose for this project was the movie “Split.” Therefore, I presented and inquired into a topic that relates to my Psychology class. “Split” is a movie about a man who suffers from DID, relating to our unit on disorders.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way– Completing this project shows that I clearly understood the assignment as well as the my “media source.” My powerpoint was well organized, everything was easy to understand , and there were many good visuals. 


I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy, I take pride in my work and myself– The self assessment shows that I have a sense of accomplishment and joy in myself and my work. I said that my powerpoint had good visuals, and was organized and easy to read. Additionally, I am proud of the work I did for this project, and of myself. 

I can identify my strength– The self assessment also shows how I can identify my strength. I was able to identify around four positive things about my end project. 

Social Psychology Monopoly Assignment Reflection

While completing this assignment, I believe that I demonstrated several core competencies.

Collaborating: I work with others to achieve a goal.

I was able to work with Kyle and Brandon to complete this assignment. We split up the work evenly, and the end result was satisfactory.

Collaborating: I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.

In this assignment, I took on the role of completing the situational questions. I completed them in a sufficient amount of time, and did them to the best of my ability.

Communicating: I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.

I represented my learning through creating the situational questions, as well as filling in some spots on the actual game. Now that i’ve represented my learning, I can really see how many of the psychological traits/tendencies relate to our lives.

Research Assignment Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal:

I was able to easily work with Kyle and Brandon to achieve our goal of an “A”. We split the workload equally, reviewed each others sections and ensured that our data was clear and readable. We ended up achieving full marks on the assignment.

I find it easy to be a part of a group:

Being a part of a group is pretty easy for me. I always listen to other’s opinions and input and always include others during the assignment. This ensures that no one is left out, and there are no arguments or disagreements within it either. This is exactly what I did during this assignment, so everything went smoothly.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share:

Never have I once not done my share of a group assignment or project. I wouldn’t want any of my group members to not finish their part of the assignment, so I ensure that I always do mine. If I didn’t, that wouldn’t be fair to the others within my group.

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals:

While we were completing the assignment, I completed my section and I had my group members look it over. They found some grammatical errors, so I was able to act quickly and fix them. I am able to receive and act on feedback.

Carnival Table, Flyer, and Paragraph Reflection

I can reflect on my thinking:

When completing my paragraph, I really had to reflect on my experiences and thoughts of each of the apps that I tested. I was able to identify the app which was the best for efficiency and effectiveness. It ended up being Adobe Express, and I was able to reflect and articulate all my thoughts about it within the paragraph.

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas:

When doing the Flyer portion of the assignment, I had a couple setbacks. However, I was able to learn from them and create and even better flyer. Initially, my poster looked very bland, the fonts were awkward, and the background didn’t fit the theme. After developing my ideas and learning from that setback I was able to create a vibrant flyer that looked clear and fun.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interestin a clear and organized way:

Before even starting my Carnival Table, I had to do some research one Carnival games and food, as well as how many tickets it usually costs for each of them. After looking through different example tables, and looking at different websites, I was able to successfully share the information I had learned. I believe that my Table is very clear and appealing to look at. It is simplistic and easy to read, but it also has some cool pictures and colors to keep peoples attention.

Thinking Self-Assessment

The playable level that I have created

In this course, I have been able to successfully complete every assignment. I have completed my own 3D character, additional assets, and have even created my own playable game with visual scripting. Even though everything turned out great, I had many obstacles along the way. For example, when I was making my own asset usable, I had some trouble with the sound. The sound wasn’t playing after I picked up the item, but I was able to fix it after a solid hour of trial and error. In the end, this class has been a really good experience. I have been able to get familiar with blender, unity, and even visual scripting (which was confusing at first).

I can experiment with different ways of doing things

I can take ownership of my goals, learning and behaviour

I can reflect on and evaluate my thinking, products and actions

Thinking Self-Assessment

My completed mesh model with animated actions

In this course, I am progressing to create my own videogame that includes my own 3D character and different assets. So far, I have created a mesh model, added UV texturing to it, rigged it with a movable skeleton, and have even completed actions. Although I have completed all of these steps and have had good outcomes with all of them, I will say that I went through many obstacles. For example, when rigging the mesh model, I had problems with assigning specific parts of the rig to the body. When I moved my left leg, it would start moving the right and vice versa. Though, through putting in lots of my time and effort, I was able to resolve this problem and now it works way better.

I can experiment with different ways of doing things

I can take ownership of my goals, learning and behaviour

I can reflect on and evaluate my thinking, products and actions

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

In my opinion, our Justice System should be more punitive. Regarding small crimes and crimes being non-violent drug related, our system does work. However, when talking about serious crimes that involve violence, drugs and other severe matters, it does not. For example, the maximum number of years you can be sentenced to EVER is 25 years with a chance of parole. With this being said, do people like Robert Pickton, and other severe committers have the right to come back into society? No, they don’t. It would be better if there was an actual life sentence that never let dangerous individuals out of jail, EVER. The United States’ justice system does a better job than ours in this sense. Dangerous individuals can be sentenced to hundreds of years which ensures that they can never harm society again. This keeps the citizens and society safer.

I was able to analyze the material taught to me in Law Studies 12. The material that I was able to analyze for this Edublog was Foreign Legal Systems as well as Canadian Law. Through analyzing this material, I was able to make my own personal judgements. I said that the Canadian justice system should be more punitive in sentencing, similar to the United States’. I think that it would lower the crime rate, and help keep our country and the citizens within it safer.

Favourite Recipe


Honey Garlic Cauliflower

Making and Sharing Reflection

This has got to be my favorite recipe as of June 15th. All of the different spices, tastes, and textures made me love it! From the left-over Spanish rice to the freshly made corn-chips, this recipe was amazing. Even though I got to class a little late the lab went very smoothly with no problems. Communication with my group was very good and we were able to complete the recipe easily and efficiently. I really enjoyed the process of this meal, being able to handle raw chicken and making homemade corn chips were very new to me and I am glad that I was able to experience it. My absolute favorite part of this recipe was creating my bowl, I added even amounts of every dish and made it look very appealing. This has been my favorite lab so far, and I definitely recommend trying it, you definitely won’t regret it.

Core Competency Reflection

1- One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to make sure we have good communication. So far, all of my groups have had really good communication and I think it’s why we are always able to successfully complete our labs. Although we sometimes face difficulties, we are always able to work our way around it by communicating or even asking Ms. Bolli for her advice. I think that communication is the key to a successful group.

2- While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by noticing my mistakes and watching others to see their preparing/cooking methods. Sometimes this helps me apply them to my own work and is very beneficial. Throughout this course, I have seen that I have grown not only in my skills, but my understanding of certain processes and methods. For example, I learned that placing my finger right behind the chef knife gives me more control over it; this has let me prepare vegetables and other foods with more precision.

3- I show others that I truly value their contributions by complimenting something they did well. This helps create a positive relationship with others. Most of the time, people will appreciate it and remember that you acknowledged their skill.

One goal for myself going forward

1- One goal that I have for myself going forward is to be a better listener. I will do this by getting more sleep at night. I feel that I am really tired during the day which leads to me zoning out and dozing off. If I can become an even better listener I will be able to complete my recipes with better precision and learn more things.