i think that playing sports is a big part of health and well-being. for me spots calm me down in a way that nothing else can. nutrition plays a role in your performance, if you have good nutrition then you can play to your full ability. i have good nutrition therefore i can play well in all my sports.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group.
i think that when i work in groups i get things done to my full ability whereas if i am by myself i can’t focus as well and usually end up getting off task.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.
when playing basketball in pe i always try to help people and tell them what they can do better. i am a leader in most activities we do and always give support. i feel like i am a leader in our class.
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour.
i always try to include everyone in the activities we do and i usually involve everyone. i try my best in everything we do and i am respectful.