Following Script Format
Arsham and I Followed the script format to make our script look the best it can possibly look. We tried our best to transform the lines into todays english, it was pretty hard understanding the lines and finding words that work with the sentence. We needed help at times but mostly overcame challenges, we worked together to complete this assignment. I had a bit of a challenge understanding the concept and translating the words into english now, this was the main struggle from this assignment.
Core Competency Reflection- Collaboration
I can work with others to achieve a goal.
I chose this because Arsham and I worked together to overcome obstacles and translate the words, we worked with each other to complete this project.
I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; i do my share.
I chose this because Arsham and i split the project up between the two of us, we both had a role and we both completed our own parts. i did my share by finishing what i was designated to do.
I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully.
I chose this because i could disagree with Arsham respectfully and share my opinion with him so that h can compare the two and see which one he wants to use, i understood his point of view and he understood mine.
I can form new ideas to create new things. i can also build on the ideas of others.
i am working on this goal because i find it hard sometimes to form new ideas and i think i need to work on that, i can improve on this goal by trying my best to compare two sides of things and form ideas off that, i can use this goal in my everyday life because forming ideas and creating things is needed in life in a way that is so important, if you can’t do this, it will be hard for you to succeed in anything.