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Titration Lab

I can work with others to achieve a goal…

I demonstrated in this lab that I am able to work with others to achieve my goal by doing this titration with a partner successfully. We divided up our tasks throughout the lab which made our work more efficient and we were able to do a better job by playing to our own strengths. We worked together to set up the equipment; each of us retrieving different parts of our setup. My partner was better at doing the earlier stages of the titration which decided how our parts of the titration were divided. My partner did the former part and brought our solution to roughly the halfway point. From there, I did the half drops and completed the titration to the pale pink solution above. We could not have done this lab without our teamwork to achieve our goal of a successful titration.

French 11 Movie Posters

I focused on Creative thinking and Communication during the creation of this project. I used my creative thinking skills to make my poster stand out as much as possible while also having all the information that I needed on the poster. I creatively found ways to incorporate elements of the movie and all the criteria, while it was still organized. I used communication skills to effectively convey the information about my movie to any reader that may see my project. It was more difficult since I had to write the board in French, but I used the grammar and vocabulary that we learned in class to share about my movie. I also used communication to present my poster to my teacher, which entailed using vocabulary and using correct pronunciation. I really enjoyed this project because it was interesting and unique since I had to use my creative freedom to design my poster and choose my movie, and I enjoyed practicing how to properly communicate in written French too!

Science 10


During the Minecraft project I used communication with my group members to divide up the work and decide what parts of the project we would each do. We also used communication to update each other on where we were in our buildings. I built one of the windmills that were included in our project during class since it was difficult to work outside of class as my group and I had different schedules and we needed to communicate to organize when to work on the project. Communication was important for this project because we could only join the world when the group member who created the Minecraft world could open it to the other group members. Communication was a big part of this project I don’t think the project would have been successful without it.


Thinking is an important part of every project and I enjoyed how this project made me think. This project made me think creatively and it challenged me to find a way to make the windmill with blocks. The biggest challenge that I had to think through was how to make the windmill look like a windmill while using blocks, since the windmill arms are usually and an angle it was a bit more difficult to represent that in my build. I did overcome this by making a zigzag line to represent this with the blocks and I liked the way that it represented the windmill in motion. I think that I used my thinking skills well in this project and demonstrated my abilities well in the area of thinking with this project since I was able to come up with a design and execute it. This project made me think to come up with a design that would fit the criteria and portray the source of energy.

Personal and Social

The personal and social aspect of this was more difficult to me. To be a positive and helpful group member it is needed to be responsible and complete tasks that were agreed upon and assigned to each member which is good since it motivates me to get the work done. I don’t like working in groups as much as I like working by myself even though I have less work in a group project than an individual project. The social and personal side is important because when working with other people it is needed to have a sense of confidence to project leadership and not be pushed around. In our group project the work was divided well but it was a challenge to work outside of class since only one group member had the Minecraft world. Being a member of a group is a responsibility but it is also a chance to show off leadership skills and social skills that you cannot demonstrate during individual projects.

Power Tech 10

Critical Thinking

During Power tech 10 Mr. Kent showed us how to change tires on a car and how to make sure that they are at the proper PSI. We had to change the tires on a car and switch them, also making sure that they had the right amount of air in them. My group and I took the tires and checked them, finding that they needed more air to be at the right PSI. I inflated the tire, and thought it was to the correct PSI but when I checked the tire again I realized that I had overinflated it. I realized my mistake and I made sure that it was the correct PSI by asking for my group members to double check my work. I found this mistake by double checking before I put the tire onto the car, and when I realized something was wrong I had to look over the tire to find the issue with it. Since I had just inflated it I tried checking that first, since I had just changed it and that seemed to be the logical issue. I changed the PSI and I installed the tire on the car successfully after I fixed the issue.

The tire that I changed
The Air to Inflate Tire