Reviewing Chapter 1 (Factoring and Radicals)

Chapter 1 Review Page


  • The part of chapter 1 that I am most comfortable with is all the factoring. I am very comfortable with finding the factors needed to complete and simplify a question. I know how to use both methods to complete a question as well as using factoring to solve.
  • The most difficult part of chapter 1 for me is recognizing when to switch the sign when multiplying or dividing a negative when calculating restrictions.
  • I usually learn new material best when I spend time either doing practice problems to increase my understanding or writing out and going over all the main concepts with examples so I can determine what I am comfortable and not quite comfortable with yet.
  • I plan to prepare for the unit test by doing more practice problems with the workbook and the extra practice section of the Class Notebook. I plan on doing a few questions from each section of chapter 1 and doing more questions in the chapters I don’t understand as much.
  • I have already or I have not yet completed all the assigned practice problems. If not, explain when you plan to complete them. I have completed all of the assigned practice problems.
  • Tell me what this statement means to you, in reference to math class: “I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior.” To me this statement means not stopping in the middle of a question when I realize I have been doing it wrong or not understanding what I am doing. It means working to get the grade that I want in this class and asking for help when I don’t understand a question or concept.

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