My Inquiry About Adrenaline

Inquiry Reflection

My Inquiry project was about the science behind adrenaline and if it can ever be a bad thing. Something I enjoyed about the process of the project was having the freedom to research what I wanted and being able to change my ideas many times. What I liked about the result was that it was fun and easy to share. I worked really hard to create a PowerPoint that was simple and easy to follow and I enjoyed having the opportunity to share it with other people. Something I learned while researching this project was all the negative effects that adrenaline can have on a person’s body over a long period of time. I knew the basics of what happens during an adrenaline rush and why they sometimes happen but I had no idea on what could happen over time.

Core Competency Reflection

For this project I focused on the communication and thinking competencies. I started my project with the plan to present it at some point and I did. I wanted to focus on the thinking competencies also because my project was science and researched based on an idea that I came up with. I grew in the communications competency by presenting the project to other people because I practiced and did a practice presentation and built on my skills. I grew in the thinking competency by researching and fine tuning my project. I worked on my research skills and my summary skills so I think I grew in that area.


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