Musical Performance Relfection

Year-End Music Concert

This is a picture of the mash-up lyrics we performed. It was my favorite song that we performed all year.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

I think that a musical skill I have shown with success was creating harmony and blending. During the concert the person next to me and I blended very well and created a pretty harmony. Some skills/techniques that I would like to improve on is increasing my range. I want to be able to hit the higher and lower notes. My plans to continue with music in the future is not really clear right now. I think it will be just playing around in my basement on my keyboard and guitar. Maybe a little bit of karaoke.

Core Competencies Reflection

For my Core Competency Reflection I chose to do the Communication one. Somewhere that I have used communication was when we were practicing for the performance we were all able to communicate what we liked and didn’t like about what we were performing. Something else that we were really good at communicating was the order of the songs we were going to perform. We were clear in the way we wanted to order them and then we did it and it went really well.


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