My Inquiry About Adrenaline

Inquiry Reflection

My Inquiry project was about the science behind adrenaline and if it can ever be a bad thing. Something I enjoyed about the process of the project was having the freedom to research what I wanted and being able to change my ideas many times. What I liked about the result was that it was fun and easy to share. I worked really hard to create a PowerPoint that was simple and easy to follow and I enjoyed having the opportunity to share it with other people. Something I learned while researching this project was all the negative effects that adrenaline can have on a person’s body over a long period of time. I knew the basics of what happens during an adrenaline rush and why they sometimes happen but I had no idea on what could happen over time.

Core Competency Reflection

For this project I focused on the communication and thinking competencies. I started my project with the plan to present it at some point and I did. I wanted to focus on the thinking competencies also because my project was science and researched based on an idea that I came up with. I grew in the communications competency by presenting the project to other people because I practiced and did a practice presentation and built on my skills. I grew in the thinking competency by researching and fine tuning my project. I worked on my research skills and my summary skills so I think I grew in that area.




While reading the book, “Catcher in the Rye,” by J.D. Salinger I completed three projects all with different goals. The first project was creating a mind map with different quotes from the book, the second project was picking one character and discussing their personality, and the third project was creating a book cover, synopsis, and a recommendation. Before this project I already knew how to integrate quotes into a paragraph. After this project I had more knowledge on how to convey criticism respectfully in the form of a book review. I also learned more about how to create a synopsis without giving away major spoilers but still enough information to make a person want to read the book.


An area of writing in which I feel confident to develop new ideas is in creative writing. I enjoyed the creative writing portion of the course a lot and I felt like I came up with my ideas fairly quickly.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks I take a break and do something else to advance the development of my ideas. If I get stuck and don’t stop to take a break I get really frustrated and that is never fun so I take a break and come back to it later.

Drafting & Design 11 Self Reflection


Butterfly Articulated Critter Project Printed
Butterfly Articulated Critter Project Plan


One project that was challenging for me was the Articulated Critter Project. There were a lot of problems when it came to printing it like the joint didn’t line up and the whole project wasn’t properly aligned. It took a lot of different tries to actually get it to finally work and I had to completely redo my project. I did however enjoy this project because I got to be creative and come up with my own idea to get printed and keep. During this project I learned about how dimensions really matter and how if one little dimension is messed up it can mess up the whole project.

  • I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area I’m interested in or passionate about. (Thinking)
  • I can persevere over years if necessary to develop my ideas. I expect ambiguity, failure, and setbacks, and use them to advance my thinking. (Thinking)
  • I give, receive, and act on feedback. (Communication)

Spanish 10 Self Assessment


Unit 5 comic strip

Core Competency Relfection

Creative Thinking:

  • I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I did this when we and my partner were coming up with ideas for the comic strips. We built off of each others ideas.
  • I can develop a body of creative work over time. The comic strip is an example of this because it is creative work and it took time to complete.


  • I can work with others to achieve a goal. I showed this with the comic strip because it was a partner project and my partner and I worked together to come up with the idea and the basics of the story to complete the comic strip.
  • I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I did this with the comic strip because although we came up with the basic idea together I wrote it out and fine lined it while my partner drew the pictures and colored it.


A project I completed in Drafting and Design 11 that was challenging and enjoyable was the Cabinet Project. For this project we had to create a 3D model of a cabinet of our design and then draw it as a 2D drawing with the dimensions. This was enjoyable because I got to create a cool cabinet however I wanted to as long as it made sense. The challenging part of this project was thinking about the dimensions of it and then actually writing out the dimensions. I have always had a bit of trouble figuring out how to perfectly dimension something so it’s not over or under dimensioned. Thinking about how realistic the measurements were was also slightly challenging because I don’t normally think like that when I design things. This relates to the Core Competencies because I had to creatively and critically think to complete this project. I think I developed in the dimensions part of the assignment because just working with them more and thinking about them helps me to under stand them better. Something I would do differently with this project if I did it again would be spending more time trying to figure out the idea of it and sketching it out in more detail so if I get confused I can just look at the sketch. If the outcome of this project was a failure I would start it again with a similar idea but I would look closer at the things that didn’t work and fix them.


  • I use my experiences with various steps and attempts to direct my future work.
  • I can experiment with different ways of doing things.
  • I can usually make my ideas work within the constraints of a given form, problem, and materials if I keep playing with them.

Math Self Assessment

By doing work on the whiteboards in the classroom, I made a positive difference for my peers because I helped them when then needed it and it was fun working with other people.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen when I’m working with other people and explaining my ideas. Another time is during the communication part of the tests I do.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music. Listening to music makes it easier to clear my head and focus on the task I need to complete. Also, depending on the song it can boost my mood.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are communication because talking about things in a relationship is key to making it work. I like to talk and talking with people makes the relationship better.

CPR Reflection

My Learning of CPR

CPR Reflection

Something that I learned that I didn’t know before was the difference between having a stroke and having a heart attack. Having a stroke effects mostly your brain whereas a heart attack effects mostly your heart. My key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit is the knowledge that I can save a life if it comes down to it. Knowing that I know what to do if a situation comes up if really cool to think about. This unit connects to the nutrition unit because you need to have good nutrition to reduce your chances of having a heart attack.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen when I have been practicing CPR. I had to come in and yell for help and that is a form of communicating purposefully.

I can describe how learning about CPR relates to my life because you never know who’s going to have a heart attack and when. I can help people if needed and you never know when people need help.

One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is if I see someone having a heart attack, I can help them and hopefully help them to survive. I can use this to also help others to know what to do if they are ever in a situation where they need to know.

Socials 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Canada’s war declaration on Nazi Germany was important because it showed that they still knew what they had to do but they made the decisions for themselves. The Canadians waited 7 days after France and Great Britain before declaring war on the Nazis. The placement of their declaration proved that they had the power to make their own decisions and do what’s best for them rather than what’s best for Britain. The declaration is also important because that means that Canada saw the Germany as a threat. They believed that France and Britain couldn’t handle it on their own. So, the declaration was important because it says many things about the country of Canada and what they believe in on their own.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements because I don’t just make judgements out of the blue off nothing. I need to have some form of information to base my judgements and decisions on. Sometimes I do make judgements on things out of the blue, but it’s usually based on a gut feeling, so that isn’t really based of nothing. My judgments may be based on a lot of evidence or not a lot of evidence but there is evidence involved with the judgements that I make. 

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

I look for personal relationships that both confirm and challenges my beliefs, values and ideas. I think that if I have relationships with people that are all like me there is going to be no change in opinion and now view from a different one. If I have all relationships with people opposite of me then I don’t have someone to relate to and I’d be defending my opinions all the time. I think it’s good to have people that are like you and that aren’t like you so then you can see different points of view, but you can also have someone that agrees with you. So, I look for relationships with people that are both similar and not similar to me, I believe it helps me to grow a bigger mindset and have people to lean on.  

I can initiate actions that bring me joy and satisfaction by choosing what relationships I have and who I have them with. If I find a person who I really like hanging out with whether they are similar to my or not I am bringing myself joy by hanging out with them. If I find a person who I don’t like hanging out with or feel they aren’t a good person for me to be around then I am bringing myself joy by not hanging out with them. I recognize the role I play in my well-being because there is usually no one else to blame but myself. Other people can’t control whether I am happy or not so why should I blame them for my well-being. 

Spanish Conversation

Unit 3 Conversation

Unit 3 Conversation

Thinking Core Competency

I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals. I did this while working on the conversation by listening to what my partners had to say and change it based on what we agreed on. We gave feedback on what ideas we had and then created the conversation based on what we said. I can develop a body of creative work over time. The project is an example of this. We used creativity to create the conversation within the class time that we had. I can form new ideas and create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I showed this when we created the conversation by using the ideas I had to help create the conversation. I built on the ideas of others by building on the ideas that my partners said.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I understood and shared information on the conversation in a organized way. We went through the notes to find everything we needed and then shared the information.

I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it. During this project I thought about the ideas I had for the conversation and I thought about whom I had to convey it to which was my partner.

I work with others to achieve a goal. I did this while working on the conversation. With the completed conversation as the goal I worked with my partner to achieve.

I take on roles and responsibilities in the group; I do my share. I did this by helping write the conversation and helping to type it out. I did my share while doing this project.


I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experience. I want to work on being able to connect my learning to the experiences I have. I also want to work on being able to represent it.