Transforming Parabolas


In my equations, a, h, and k are significant because they allow the movement of the parabolas to meet the necessary criteria. The red parabola is the parent function which all the other parabolas are based off of. With the green parabola I changed the a value to be 1/8 to make the parabola open upwards and wider than the original parabola. I also made the h value equal positive 2 to make the y value of the vertex 2 moving the parabola up on the graph. With the blue parabola I made the a value equal to –6 causing the parabola to open downwards and become narrower than the parent function. I made the h value equal to –2 leading to the y value of the vertex equaling –2 moving the parabola down the graph. With the orange parabola I made the h value equal to 5 resulting in the parabola being shifted to the right. I also made the k value equal to 1 causing the parabola to be shifted up. Finally, with the purple parabola I made the k value equal to –5 resulting in the parabola being shifted downwards.  


1. How did you represent the same mathematical idea in multiple ways in this assignment?

I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways in this assignment by using different values to change the shape and where the parabolas are placed on the graph. The mathematical idea is transforming parabolas and I did that in multiple ways by creating different parabolas to fit the criteria. So, the idea of transforming parabolas was represented by different values changing the shape and location of parabolas on the graph.

2. State some of the relevant mathematical vocabulary words you used to demonstrate your understanding.

Vertex: the highest/lowest point on the parabola.

h value: the value that shifts the parabola horizontally.

k value: the value that shifts the parabola vertically.

a value: value that determines if that parabola opens upwards, or downwards and if the parabola will be wide or narrow.

Parent Function: the simplest version of a parabola.

3. How did you use formatting to share your information in a clear and organized way?

I used formatting to share my information in a clear and organized way in this assignment by not making the first three parabolas have the same vertex. I moved two of them either up or down to make the graph look less cramped. I also used formatting to make the graph the perfect size so all the lines are visible but not too big the lines are too small.

Life Saving Measures

Saving Lives Together

Three takeaways I had from the life saving presentation I was shown in class are that it’s always better to have a basic knowledge of what to do in an emergency rather than knowing nothing, cardiac arrest could happen to anyone anywhere at anytime, and if unsure about anything always call 911 in a situation that could turn out to be life-threatening situation. Having basic knowledge of what to do in an emergency is always good because having that knowledge could be the difference in whether someone dies or lives. Understanding that cardiac arrest could happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time is important because knowing that shock can be overcame quicker and help can be administered. Knowing to call 911 if unsure about a situation is extremely important because it can save someone’s life. If no one calls 911 and the person dies because they thought there was a chance they would be fine that would be bad and it could have been preventable. These presentations have impacted my life because I want to go into nursing after university/college and this was a window into what that world is like and it gives me the knowledge I need to keep some alive until paramedics arrive if ever in that situation.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgement. If I am ever in a situation where CPR or an AED is needed I know what to look for before administering. There are many little things that need to be looked at like where the person collapsed, if they are breathing slowly, if they have circulation, and more. After listening to the presentation we were told what to do and what to look for in emergency situations so I know that I can analyze evidence to make judgements on what to do.

Reviewing Chapter 1 (Factoring and Radicals)

Chapter 1 Review Page


  • The part of chapter 1 that I am most comfortable with is all the factoring. I am very comfortable with finding the factors needed to complete and simplify a question. I know how to use both methods to complete a question as well as using factoring to solve.
  • The most difficult part of chapter 1 for me is recognizing when to switch the sign when multiplying or dividing a negative when calculating restrictions.
  • I usually learn new material best when I spend time either doing practice problems to increase my understanding or writing out and going over all the main concepts with examples so I can determine what I am comfortable and not quite comfortable with yet.
  • I plan to prepare for the unit test by doing more practice problems with the workbook and the extra practice section of the Class Notebook. I plan on doing a few questions from each section of chapter 1 and doing more questions in the chapters I don’t understand as much.
  • I have already or I have not yet completed all the assigned practice problems. If not, explain when you plan to complete them. I have completed all of the assigned practice problems.
  • Tell me what this statement means to you, in reference to math class: “I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior.” To me this statement means not stopping in the middle of a question when I realize I have been doing it wrong or not understanding what I am doing. It means working to get the grade that I want in this class and asking for help when I don’t understand a question or concept.




While reading the book, “Catcher in the Rye,” by J.D. Salinger I completed three projects all with different goals. The first project was creating a mind map with different quotes from the book, the second project was picking one character and discussing their personality, and the third project was creating a book cover, synopsis, and a recommendation. Before this project I already knew how to integrate quotes into a paragraph. After this project I had more knowledge on how to convey criticism respectfully in the form of a book review. I also learned more about how to create a synopsis without giving away major spoilers but still enough information to make a person want to read the book.


An area of writing in which I feel confident to develop new ideas is in creative writing. I enjoyed the creative writing portion of the course a lot and I felt like I came up with my ideas fairly quickly.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks I take a break and do something else to advance the development of my ideas. If I get stuck and don’t stop to take a break I get really frustrated and that is never fun so I take a break and come back to it later.

Drafting & Design 11 Self Reflection


Butterfly Articulated Critter Project Printed
Butterfly Articulated Critter Project Plan


One project that was challenging for me was the Articulated Critter Project. There were a lot of problems when it came to printing it like the joint didn’t line up and the whole project wasn’t properly aligned. It took a lot of different tries to actually get it to finally work and I had to completely redo my project. I did however enjoy this project because I got to be creative and come up with my own idea to get printed and keep. During this project I learned about how dimensions really matter and how if one little dimension is messed up it can mess up the whole project.

  • I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area I’m interested in or passionate about. (Thinking)
  • I can persevere over years if necessary to develop my ideas. I expect ambiguity, failure, and setbacks, and use them to advance my thinking. (Thinking)
  • I give, receive, and act on feedback. (Communication)