English 9 Final Reflection

My Artifact

The last leaf assignment.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

I feel like I grew in my story telling skills during this course. The artifact that I chose is the last leaf assignment which we had to write a backstory about a character of our choosing. I think that over the course my writing skills have improved. I was a lot of fun being able to write story. One of the best assignments that we got to do was write our own skit and then perform it. It was a lot of fun and it was a great opportunity to be creative.

Core Competencies Reflection

For my Core Competencies Reflection I chose the thinking competency. I think that I showed thinking by coming up with a solid backstory that made sense to the character I chose. I also showed thinking by helping to write the skit we created and making sure that it made sense. Next time I want to improve on getting it done faster. It took long time to finish both of the assignments and next time I want to finish them faster.

Capitol Mutation Collaboration Project

My Project

Public Speaking

I think that being a good public speaker is knowing your audience. If people say something that the audience doesn’t like it’s most likely not going to be a good speech. To be a good audience I think the number one thing is listening. If you don’t listen it’s the extremely disrespectful. The other thing with being a good audience member is having good body language. If the audience is acting like they don’t want to be there then the speaker is not going to try as hard as they can.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to talk and give each person in the group a chance to agree or disagree with what we’re doing.

I know the group is working well together when I hear us all agreeing on something and sharing different ideas.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by listening to it and in some cases using it in projects.

If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to talk about something else and then go back to what we were disagreeing about and then try to deal with it again.

My goal is to be more clear about who is doing what within the group. I’m doing this by whenever I start a group project going over what needs to be done and then splitting the work.

Hunger Games Persuasion Project

My Advertisement

Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

My ad is an Under Armour water bottle. It’s meant to be used by the people of Panem to either give it to their favorite tribute in the games or to keep it for themselves and not have to get up and get a refill. I used Logical and Emotional persuasion techniques. Logical because I have facts like ‘Holds 20% more water’ and emotional because you can send it to your favorite tribute and not have to stop watching to game to get a refill. For advertisement techniques I used are card stacking, eye-appeal, and special offer. Card stacking because it have little bits of information scatter around the ad, eye-appeal because my ad has a colorful background, and special offer because it put the word only in front of the price. Overall, I think my ad will catch the attention of the people of Panem and I will make life for them easier.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when I decided to do two side by side images in my ad. I didn’t know how it would look after I finished it but in my opinion it looks pretty good.

I appreciate feedback on my ideas and prefer it comes in the form of honest but still kind words. If it’s kind but not true or honest by not in a nice way it doesn’t work so well for me.

This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: I try and think about the audience that will be viewing my ad and choose what images and words would work best with what I think they would like.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my persuasion and advertisement techniques paragraph because I clearly and purposefully explained the techniques I used.