Identity Crest Reflection

Curricular Competency & Content Reflection

This assignment impacted how I have an unconscious bias to things that I don’t even realize. I hadn’t really realized how much my decisions and thoughts are unconsciously biased. For example, I have a peanut allergy so through this assignment I really recognized how much thought goes into the news I try and if I can have them or if I will react to them. This assignment has also revealed to me how many little things my family and I have in common. Sports are a big part of life on one side of my family, and I never really realized how much we have in common when it comes to things sports related. On the other side of my family food and gardening are a big part of life and I never noticed how much we have in common when it comes to that. So really this assignment opened my eyes to the unconscious biases I have and the things that I have in common with my family members. 

Core Competency Reflection

I think my experiences such as playing games with my cousin influenced my choice of sports because he helped me be competitive and want to win. Yes, I would be competitive without him but I get more competitive when we try to one-up each other with our accomplishments.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in the paragraph because I communicated pretty clearly how the assignment made me notice thigs about myself that I would not have likely noticed without it.

Although I am challenged by a lot of little things, I can get through these challenges by tapping in to my perseverance and slowly but surely make it through all the little things that I find challenging.

I appreciate feedback on everything I ask about and prefer it comes in the form of honest but still kind words. Brutal honesty is sometimes wanted but if its not needed then I don’t really want it.

My Goal

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I listen to music. My goal is to stop relying on music to help me refocus and try to be able to focus without it because I will not always have access to music.

SS9 Industrial Revolution Reflection Post

Industrial Revolution Reflection

Curricular Competency & Content Reflection

I think that I used analyzing and applying content by first coming up with our original list for Earth 2 and then after finding out the main points of the Industrial Revolution, changing what I think needed to be changed or go into more detail about what need to be in more detail. I learned that there is a lot more that goes into creating nations and cities than I thought. For past connections I realized that a lot of things would be different if the Industrial Revolution never happened. Kids would start working at a younger age and many things would still be done by hand. I think that in the future things are going to made by hand less and less due to the advances in technology made everyday.

Core Competency Reflection

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is when I have a topic to just say whatever I think would make sense in that situation and don’t have a specific thing to talk about just an area of ideas

I know the group is working well together when I see and hear that we have brainstormed ideas and have written a good amount down on paper.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus I take a second to stop what I was doing and just do something else for a minute or listen to music to just let my thoughts calm down and then I go back to my original task and have a better focus.

One of the ways I ensure that my group is clear on the common purpose is by going around and making sure that everyone is ok with the ideas that have been shared. If they say something else they have this opportunity to say something

My goal is to be more focused on using other peoples feedback in my work. I am working on this when I have an assignment to hand in and I get feedback from a peer. I try to change what I think needs to be changed based on their feedback.