Life Saving Measures

Saving Lives Together

Three takeaways I had from the life saving presentation I was shown in class are that it’s always better to have a basic knowledge of what to do in an emergency rather than knowing nothing, cardiac arrest could happen to anyone anywhere at anytime, and if unsure about anything always call 911 in a situation that could turn out to be life-threatening situation. Having basic knowledge of what to do in an emergency is always good because having that knowledge could be the difference in whether someone dies or lives. Understanding that cardiac arrest could happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time is important because knowing that shock can be overcame quicker and help can be administered. Knowing to call 911 if unsure about a situation is extremely important because it can save someone’s life. If no one calls 911 and the person dies because they thought there was a chance they would be fine that would be bad and it could have been preventable. These presentations have impacted my life because I want to go into nursing after university/college and this was a window into what that world is like and it gives me the knowledge I need to keep some alive until paramedics arrive if ever in that situation.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgement. If I am ever in a situation where CPR or an AED is needed I know what to look for before administering. There are many little things that need to be looked at like where the person collapsed, if they are breathing slowly, if they have circulation, and more. After listening to the presentation we were told what to do and what to look for in emergency situations so I know that I can analyze evidence to make judgements on what to do.

English 9 Final Reflection

My Artifact

The last leaf assignment.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

I feel like I grew in my story telling skills during this course. The artifact that I chose is the last leaf assignment which we had to write a backstory about a character of our choosing. I think that over the course my writing skills have improved. I was a lot of fun being able to write story. One of the best assignments that we got to do was write our own skit and then perform it. It was a lot of fun and it was a great opportunity to be creative.

Core Competencies Reflection

For my Core Competencies Reflection I chose the thinking competency. I think that I showed thinking by coming up with a solid backstory that made sense to the character I chose. I also showed thinking by helping to write the skit we created and making sure that it made sense. Next time I want to improve on getting it done faster. It took long time to finish both of the assignments and next time I want to finish them faster.