Transforming Parabolas


In my equations, a, h, and k are significant because they allow the movement of the parabolas to meet the necessary criteria. The red parabola is the parent function which all the other parabolas are based off of. With the green parabola I changed the a value to be 1/8 to make the parabola open upwards and wider than the original parabola. I also made the h value equal positive 2 to make the y value of the vertex 2 moving the parabola up on the graph. With the blue parabola I made the a value equal to –6 causing the parabola to open downwards and become narrower than the parent function. I made the h value equal to –2 leading to the y value of the vertex equaling –2 moving the parabola down the graph. With the orange parabola I made the h value equal to 5 resulting in the parabola being shifted to the right. I also made the k value equal to 1 causing the parabola to be shifted up. Finally, with the purple parabola I made the k value equal to –5 resulting in the parabola being shifted downwards.  


1. How did you represent the same mathematical idea in multiple ways in this assignment?

I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways in this assignment by using different values to change the shape and where the parabolas are placed on the graph. The mathematical idea is transforming parabolas and I did that in multiple ways by creating different parabolas to fit the criteria. So, the idea of transforming parabolas was represented by different values changing the shape and location of parabolas on the graph.

2. State some of the relevant mathematical vocabulary words you used to demonstrate your understanding.

Vertex: the highest/lowest point on the parabola.

h value: the value that shifts the parabola horizontally.

k value: the value that shifts the parabola vertically.

a value: value that determines if that parabola opens upwards, or downwards and if the parabola will be wide or narrow.

Parent Function: the simplest version of a parabola.

3. How did you use formatting to share your information in a clear and organized way?

I used formatting to share my information in a clear and organized way in this assignment by not making the first three parabolas have the same vertex. I moved two of them either up or down to make the graph look less cramped. I also used formatting to make the graph the perfect size so all the lines are visible but not too big the lines are too small.


In this lab we used a pipette and a burette to neutralize an acid and a base. We used Phenolphthalein as our indicator and if the solution was properly neutralized then it would turn a pale pink colour as seen in the photo above.

I can…

  • I can work with others to achieve a goal. I showed this by working with my lab partner to make a neutralized solution together. (Collaborating)
  • I can take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I showed this by preparing the acid and adding it to the beaker while my partner prepared the base and added it into the beaker. (Collaborating)
  • I can analyze evidence to make judgments. I showed this by using the information found during our lab to answer the questions we had after. (Critical Thinking)

Core Competency Goals

This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: I want to be able to make my school presentations more engaging for the people I am presenting to. I feel like listening to a boring presentation the point of it doesn’t stick with the audience very well so I want to make it more engaging so the point comes across.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music to get my mind back into whatever I was doing. This year I want to be able to focus more at school so I don’t have as much work to do at home. I want to come into class focused but if I end up losing focus I want to be able to re-focus quickly and if that means listening music to help then I will do it.

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is when I work with a group of people on answering questions and projects. I want to be able to work off of other peoples ideas and have the opportunity to do that more. Having others to bounce ideas off of or work with make things a lot easier.