Drafting & Design 11 Self Reflection


Butterfly Articulated Critter Project Printed
Butterfly Articulated Critter Project Plan


One project that was challenging for me was the Articulated Critter Project. There were a lot of problems when it came to printing it like the joint didn’t line up and the whole project wasn’t properly aligned. It took a lot of different tries to actually get it to finally work and I had to completely redo my project. I did however enjoy this project because I got to be creative and come up with my own idea to get printed and keep. During this project I learned about how dimensions really matter and how if one little dimension is messed up it can mess up the whole project.

  • I can develop a body of creative work over time in an area I’m interested in or passionate about. (Thinking)
  • I can persevere over years if necessary to develop my ideas. I expect ambiguity, failure, and setbacks, and use them to advance my thinking. (Thinking)
  • I give, receive, and act on feedback. (Communication)


A project I completed in Drafting and Design 11 that was challenging and enjoyable was the Cabinet Project. For this project we had to create a 3D model of a cabinet of our design and then draw it as a 2D drawing with the dimensions. This was enjoyable because I got to create a cool cabinet however I wanted to as long as it made sense. The challenging part of this project was thinking about the dimensions of it and then actually writing out the dimensions. I have always had a bit of trouble figuring out how to perfectly dimension something so it’s not over or under dimensioned. Thinking about how realistic the measurements were was also slightly challenging because I don’t normally think like that when I design things. This relates to the Core Competencies because I had to creatively and critically think to complete this project. I think I developed in the dimensions part of the assignment because just working with them more and thinking about them helps me to under stand them better. Something I would do differently with this project if I did it again would be spending more time trying to figure out the idea of it and sketching it out in more detail so if I get confused I can just look at the sketch. If the outcome of this project was a failure I would start it again with a similar idea but I would look closer at the things that didn’t work and fix them.


  • I use my experiences with various steps and attempts to direct my future work.
  • I can experiment with different ways of doing things.
  • I can usually make my ideas work within the constraints of a given form, problem, and materials if I keep playing with them.