English 9 Final Reflection

My Artifact

The last leaf assignment.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

I feel like I grew in my story telling skills during this course. The artifact that I chose is the last leaf assignment which we had to write a backstory about a character of our choosing. I think that over the course my writing skills have improved. I was a lot of fun being able to write story. One of the best assignments that we got to do was write our own skit and then perform it. It was a lot of fun and it was a great opportunity to be creative.

Core Competencies Reflection

For my Core Competencies Reflection I chose the thinking competency. I think that I showed thinking by coming up with a solid backstory that made sense to the character I chose. I also showed thinking by helping to write the skit we created and making sure that it made sense. Next time I want to improve on getting it done faster. It took long time to finish both of the assignments and next time I want to finish them faster.