A busy family needs help creating a meal plan that works with everyone’s schedule while including every family member to do their fair share.  


MONDAY Parent A 6 servings 6:20pm Tomato sauce pasta 
TUESDAY Teen 1 4 servings 6:00pm  Chickpea cauliflower curry 
WEDNESDAY Parent B 4 servings 6:45 Beef & Spainach Lasagna and Caprese Salad 
THURSDAY Parent b 4 servings 6:00pm ginger glazed salmon 
FRIDAY Teen 2 and parent A 8 servings  6:00pm Waffles and eggs 

The three new recipes waffles and eggs, Caprese Salad and Tomato sauce pasta:

 Easy Waffles Recipe | Martha Stewart 

Simple Scrambled Eggs Recipe | Get Cracking 

 Penne With Tomato Sauce Pasta Recipe by Tasty


Monday night works because Parent A gets home at 4:30 and can make the meal in 45 minutes to eat at 6:20 so Parent B can get to their fitness class at 7:00. Parent A decided to make 6 servings so the two kids can eat it for lunch or a snack the next day. The original serving was four servings but we bumped it up to six.

Tuesday night works because Teen 1 gets home at 3:30 and can make the meal in 25 minutes to eat at 6:00 so Teen 2 can be at soccer practice by 6:30 and Parent A will be home at 6:00 so they can eat as soon as they get home.

Wednesday night works because Parent B gets home at 5:30 and can make the meal in 85 minutes to eat at 6:45

Thursday night works because Parent B gets home at 5:30 and can make the meal in 20 minutes to eat at 6:00

Friday night works because Teen 2 gets home at 3:30 and Parent A gets home at 4:30 to make the meal in 70 minutes to eat at 6:00. Since Teen 1 is not going to be there for dinner they made extra to eat throughout the weekend. The reason Parent A is cooking with Teen 2 is that Teen 2 is not a very advanced chef and needs help. The original amount of the waffles and eggs was supposed to be four serving but we bumped it up to eight.


 Easy Waffles Recipe | Martha Stewart 

Simple Scrambled Eggs Recipe | Get Cracking 

 Penne With Tomato Sauce Pasta Recipe by Tasty


My group shared information through a shared word document and through email. We used technology to keep notes on word, look at all the recipes and details about the family, to communicate through outlook and to create our Edublogs. I was familiar with all the tools we used throughout this project. Each person chose one day of the week to make a meal plan and to figure out how much time they have to make the meals. One of us worded some of the ideas and the rest of us typed up the questions. One of us found the waffles and eggs recipe, one of us found the Tomato sauce pasta recipe and, one of us found the Caprese salad recipe. I contributed by finding one of the recipes, planning Fridays meal, and typing up some of the ideas in our shared word document.