Creating a positive digital footprint
The Oxford dictionary defines digital footprint as “the information about a particular person that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity.”
Now with that information in your head there are many ways to create and maintain a positive digital footprint.
The first few are.
1.Make all your accounts where you post any pictures to private where no people can see unless you let them.
2.Post positive content online like a fundraiser or write a nice blog post
3.Consider your future just imagine every post you make is used in court
4.Search yourself online and delete anything you would not want your parents seeing.
But the most effective way to have a positive digital footprint is to not go online.
Any search, link, picture, email, game or call has been recorded even if you have not posted the photo or if you were in incognito every single one has been recorded all of it.
You literally cannot be tracked on the internet even if you say no to it, they will still collect and process your data.
Personal refection
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain online relationships are being online in my free time and joining voice calls with my friends and playing video games with them
By making epic memes online, I make my friends lives amazing.
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including tracking of my data and making it harder to get a job so I adjust my actions to not post any pictures on the internet.