They Both Die at the End; the movie

My Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood.

Mood in literature means basically means similarly to atmosphere/vibe of the story, for example romantic, peaceful, fighting, etc and choices of the settings and character’s tone, the author writes and uses that sets the mood to evoke the audience/reader’s emotions. Therefore, music plays a big role to support that, making it more interesting since the reader can experience it as well and be more attached to the story or movie. 

I pick the song, I did, because the song basically outlines the novel, from the slow beginning to fast-paced tempo along the end, like wise of the story in the sense of how their time is running out, and death is lurking, therefore associating with the theme of the book, sadness, yet a playful spirit melody, representing their series of journey the two protagonists spent together, which again, I thought really captures the essences of the story, 

I figured out what my avatar would look like mostly I assumed off their ethnicity supposed to likely having common features properties of that cultured people, for instance slightly brown skin tone, darkish black, brown hair, etc. Aswell as, majority base off through the book is given by the novel characters describing their appearance, for instance, identified in pg. 227, Dalma Young, a side story character seeing the two characters, one with, “glasses, fuller brown hair, and light tan skin like Dahlia’s.” which was describing Matteo.

The setting was already revealed during the beginning of the novel, so it wasn’t hard to observe which was in New York city, specifically in Manhattan. For the time, it took place more ahead of hours, but relatively close to ours given how Face book, Twitter, other social media apps in pg 227 are presented and because of Death-cast a futuristic technology. So, I basically used context clues to help find these evidence. 

Overall, I found the elements of this story, (settings, characters, etc.) given directly to you, so it isn’t needed to figure it out much. Altogether, I found this book relatable through the characters and by teaching lessons of reminding me try living life to the fullest without regrets. 

Core Competency Reflection

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I tend to take breaks, either to recharge by sleeping, going on social media, and such, to avoid myself overworking, which as results leads me to continue re-focus. 

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are brainstorming firsthand to get an idea of to do or further build and extend on my objectives. 

I advocate for my needs by making inform decisions choices for my concerns, therefore I question and speak up for those needs. In addition, I recognize my weaknesses and strengths, so I learn to focus improve on that. 


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