My Learning of CPR
What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?
In a swimming course, I have undergone CPR training in the past, but it was more of a brief overview of how to perform CPR and did not cover the basics much. Therefore, this unit has given me a deeper understanding of recognizing potential issues such as cardiac arrest, strokes, and heart attacks. So now I know why these emergencies occur and how to respond to them.
What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit?
I have picked up new crucial terms like CAB-D, FAST, PLT, AED, 4 R’s and 5 P’s. These terms were valuable during the practical CPR unit. This is where I applied my knowledge to operate an AED on a mannequin and put my CPR skills into practice. So, this hands-on experience was very helpful because I gained the importance of how effective chest compressions and the pace needs to be, which was very difficult to maintain. So being placed in a hypothetical situation, it would be kind of stressful, as you have to react immediately, yet remain calm knowing that someone’s life is in your hands.
How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?
This unit ties into our previous nutrition lessons, based on the influence of lifestyle choices on your health. This can include factors of dietary habits, like smoking which can result in pollution of lungs. In addition, lack of exercise because it can weaken your heart muscles, and the consumption of unhealthy foods that contains high in saturated fats and cholesterol can risk diabetes and obesity. This can make your heart pump blood pump harder and risking heart attacks, strokes and health conditions, if not maintaining the balance of our overall well-being.
Core Competency Reflection
One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is…
I can apply my CPR learning among my communities, friends and family if they are in need of emergencies because I’ve been trained to do this, so I am less scared and prepared if a situation ever occurred when somebody I recognized is in cardiac arrest, choking, having a heart or a stroke, and knowing I can make a lifesaving difference for others.
One area of CPR in which I’d like to spend more time learning is…
During the practical assessment I learned that I need become more vocal to provide reassurance as rescuer, the patient and those who are around me to create a supportive environment when I am communicating. Therefore, I need to be able assigning somebody to call 911 and another person to get an AED, so it will lead to clear communication to ensure everyone is collaborative and knows what to do.
In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…
Asking questions and clarifying within my peers, because this helps me addresses any concerns I had, such as whether I performed the CPR procedure correctly or not.
Citation – Image
“CPR Training Kiosk Arrives at Dayton Arena.” Www.Kioskmarketplace.Com, 19 Oct. 2023,