Crucible Paper

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller. More specifically, the way in which the characters behave. This behavior can best be described by using Kollberg’s moral precepts for further understanding. There are three of these moral precepts, three different perspectives that motivate the characters in the play to behave in certain ways. The three categories are pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional behavior, and all three categories are great factors to be considered when analyzing the characters and the way they act. If we understand the reason behind the action, we will have a better understanding of the characters. 

There are characters in the crucible that behave in a way that is best described as pre-conventional. Pre-conventional is when you behave in a certain way to obtain a reward and avoid a punishment. The first example of a pre-conventional character is Abigail Williams. Abby proves herself to be a pre-conventional character when she accuses Elizabth Proctor and claims that it was her “familiar spirit” that attacked her. Abby realizes that is Elizabeth is to be blamed of being a witch then she would no longer be with John Proctor, whom she loves, and with Elizabth out of the picture, Abby would have an opportunity to be with John. The next character to be discussed that behaves in a way to avoid punishment is Tituba. She demonstrates this when she confesses after Parris tells her that he “will take [her] out and whip [her] to [her] death if [she] does not confess”. Tituba confesses to a crime that she did not commit so she does not get beat to death, she decides to save herself instead by doing so. And the final character to be discussed is Rev. Parris. Parris is shown to be a pre-conventional character when he tells Danforth to “postpone [the] hangings for a time”. Because these hangings are alarming the people and they are also not very happy with him, Parris decides to postpone the hangings so that the people are not as upset with him. It is clear from the examples provided that the Crucible has many characters that behave in a certain way to avoid punishment and obtain reward. 

There are many characters in the crucible that are conventional. Conventional is when you behave in a certain way to fit into a group. Mary Warren in a conventional character, she shows herself to be conventional when she says that she will “never hurt [Abby] more”. Mary Warren can’t handle the pressure put into her by the girls, so she decides to change sides, that way she could fit in with the rest of the girls. The next character to be discussed that behaves in a way to fit into a group is Betty Parris. This is illustrated when Betty says that she “saw [many people] with the devil”. After watching Tituba confess and Abby confess, she decides to lie and say she saw multiple people with the devil and that she herself was being controlled by the devil, and she did this so she could fit in with Abby’s group. And the last character to be discussed is Hale. He proves to be conventional the moment he says that “the light of God is in [Parris]”. Because Parris is ordained, Hale claims that he can do no wrong. Parris is part of the church group; therefore, Hale says that so he’s not on God’s bad side, but instead he’s accepted by the people from the church. So, you can see from the examples provided, the Crucible has many characters that show a desire to fit in. 

There are post-conventional characters found in the crucible. Post conventional characters internalize a sense of right and wrong. They are confident in their values and beliefs regardless of punishment, reward, or group acceptance. The first post-conventional character to discuss is John Hale. Hale demonstrates himself to be a post-conventional character when he says he’ll “quit this court”. Clearly, Hale does not agree with what the court is trying to do with Elizabeth Proctor, and he believes the court is in the wrong, so he stands by that. The next character that is confident in their sense of values and beliefs is Giles Corey. Giles proves himself to be a post-conventional individual when he’s being pressed by Danforth, and he tells him to add “more weight”. Instead of confessing and telling Danforth the name of the guy so could live, Giles decides to not tell him anything and sticks to what he believes regardless of the punishment, which is death. Finally, the last character is John Proctor. John demonstrates to be post-conventional, and this is shown when he says that “God has seen [his] name on [the confession], it is enough”. John refuses to confess and give Danforth the confession with his name on it, he decides to not do it due to the fact that it was a lie, and it would be wrong. It is evident from the examples provided that many characters in the Crucible behave in a way that meets their sense of beliefs and values without concern for punishment, reward, or group acceptance.  

In conclusion, it is evident that Kollberg’s moral precepts have been a valuable asset in allowing the reader to achieve a further understanding for the characters in the Crucible. The 3 moral precepts being, pre-conventional, which means behaving in such a way to avoid punishment and obtain reward, conventional, that refers to behaving in a way to achieve group acceptance, and post-conventional, meaning acting in a way that proofs that you are confident in your values and beliefs, and neither rewards, punishments, or group acceptance are more important; these 3 categories demonstrate why Individuals behave the way they do when faced with certain situations. 

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. – i demostrated this by analzying the song and lyrics and by choosing 3 psychologycal perspectives that it relates to the most and make connections

I can form new ideas to create new things – i demonstrated this inquiry by thinking how this song relates to different psychological perspectives and putting my ideas into text.

I can reflect on my thinking. – i demostrated this inquiry by thinking of what sing would be fitting to use and how the song relates to this project and what it is about.

Titration lab / Chem 11


During this lab communication was a big part of the process, as it helped my partner and i do this lab properly, we would communicate with eachother to know who was going to do what task and this helped us achieve a good result in this lab; communicating with eachother also helped us avoid making any mistakes. If for some reason we had any questions we would talk with the teacher about them.

S.S 11 Mid-Term Assessment

Curricular Competency

I reflected inquiry in this project by doing research and gathering pieces of information that i would need to complete it, my strength was being able to find the information needed and add it to the poster in a neat way, however, an area of growth was not looking deep enough into my god and not giving as clear information as i would’ve wanted to.

Core Competency

In this project, i showed critical thinking by thinking of ways to find the information needed to complete this assignment, also by thinking how i was going to show that information in a poster format; my area of strength was that i was quick to think of ways to lay out the information in the poster, however, i could’ve been more specific about the information and done more research about my god to make this project more complete.

IDS: Inquiry Reflection

a) My inquiry question is “how can I get better at photography?” my focus on my inquiry has not changed, I have had kind of the same idea since the start of the year, but I added a more specific thing to focus on which is landscape photography.

b) my time management has not been the best but I am doing some work on my inquiry doing CENT time and some outside of it too.

c) the resource that has been the most helpful for me has been YouTube because I can see a lot of useful videos there that help me understand landscape photography more.

d) I am currently facing the challenge of using my time wisely and staying consistent on my work, before this faced the challenge if finding my inquiry question because at first I was not sure of what I wanted to do.

e) one core competency I’ve improved on during this inquiry time is thinking since I have to constantly think about what I’m going to do next and how I can improve my inquiry.

f) I will show my learning and my work in a PowerPoint which I will later present.

g) after this year I will continue working on this and trying to improve my photography skills next year.

French 11 Movie posters

In the making of this poster, my partner and i demonstrated the core competency of collaboration, firstly we showed this when we took our time to brainstorm what movie we wanted to do this poster on, we also demonstrated our collaboration when we decided who was going to do the different jobs of the poster, as there were plently of jobs for the both of us, and we did good in communication when we needed to through the making of this project.

Core Competency: Woodwork

Mr. Huber taught the class how to make the cleats fit with one another by making a 45-degree angle cut through the end of the cleat, this cut made sure all 4 cleats fit perfectly inside the legs of the foot stool, one thing I would change about the cleats is maybe sanding them better to get rid of the lines from the planer that way the stool would have a better finished look to it.

-I can take ownership of my goals, learning, and behaviour {Personal & Social}

-I can experiment with different ways of doing things {Thinking}

-I act, receive and act on feedback {Communication}

Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of my stool nor the cleats, so here’s a picture of my guitar neck that Mr. Huber also helped me make by going over the steps with me.

Graphing a parabola

My parabola (red), and a standard parabola (blue)

This picture shows my parabola, y=-3(x-1)^2+3 in comparison to a standard parabola equation, y=x^2. The standard parabola is missing 3 important factors that my parabola does have making it look different in comparison, these being A, H and K, each one of these has an important job in an equation, for starters A determines the width of your parabola which in my case is ‘-3’ making my parabola not so wide, what A also does is it tells you whether your parabola is going up or down, in my case it is a negative number, therefore my parabola will open downwards; the jobs of H and K is to give your parabola a vertex, meaning a starting point, my equations has the numbers -1 for the x-axis and 3 for the y-axis, which means 1 to the right and 3 up, making my vertex (1,3) in comparison to the standard parabola that has a vertex of (0,0).


1.Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in three different ways? (for example, as a graph, an equation and in words)

I was able to show the same mathematical idea in three different ways, I did through my equation, my graph and in words by explaining my understanding of the significance of the values A, H and K in a parabola and demonstrating what they look like graphed.

2.Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

I demonstrated my understanding and used mathematical vocabulary while comparing the 2 parabolas in the graph by explaining the differences between the 2 and using terms such as “x-axis”, “y-axis” and “vertex” as well as explaining myself to make myself clear to the reader.

3.Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

One thing I did to make this presentation clearer was to make a space between the texts, that way the writing will not be disorganized, and it will be much better structured and easier to understand when reading, I used proper terms and clear language as well, to make myself more clear and share the information in a more efficient way.

Core Competency Goals

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see… Everyone in the group doing their part and helping their team, I find it that when every person in the group contributes and works together it helps everyone in the team do a better and quicker job, group projects are not for one person to do by themselves and for the rest of the group to watch, they are so that you communicate with your group and everyone does a good job, a better job than one person could do by themselves.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated, doing exercise helps me be more productive or calm. I find that keeping active helps me focus, it can be as as simple as going on a run, to playing a sport, to weightlifting, keeping my body active keeps me on track and helps me concentrate and control my emotions; when I do an activity similar to the ones I’ve mentioned my mind goes somewhere else and I forget about any negative emotion I had before, listening to music when doing those activities makes this process even faster.

I make ethical choices such as choosing well who I associate myself with in order to be productive and successful in what I’m doing. If I know that a person could distract me or hold me back in achieving or doing something I want I know better than to hang and spend a lot of time with them, of course I won’t ignore the person or be rude to them, but if it came to spend time with them or working with them, or to hang or work with different people who would be better for me, I’d rather work and be with people who would help me get where I want to be.

PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Product

I feel excited today because it is the last week of school

Personal Health and Awareness

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I exercise and keep physically active to help me concentrate. When I am sad, angry or frustrated, taking deep breaths helps me be more productive and calm. Some of the things I do to stay mentally and physically healthy include exercising 5x a week, not eating junk food everyday, and a balanced diet. I make ethical choices such as staying physically active and eating well in order to keep my mind clear. Some of my traits that make me a leader in the area of physical and/or mental health include encouraging other to have a healthier lifestyle and being an example to them.

Core Competency Reflection

-I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. I understand there are always different points and different opinions that people can have, I always try to understand both sides of a story to have my own non-biased opinion.

-I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them. I can recognize my emotions and I can manage and control them, I know how to read a room and I know when its right to act one way and when it is not.

-I participate in activities that support my well-being and take responsibility for my well-being. I try to look out for myself and others by not participating in activities that can hurt people around me or myself.

-I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. I always try to be nice and respectful to people because you never know what somebody is going through, and so I try to impact their day in a positive way and not in a negative one.