S.S 11 Mid-Term Assessment

Curricular Competency

I reflected inquiry in this project by doing research and gathering pieces of information that i would need to complete it, my strength was being able to find the information needed and add it to the poster in a neat way, however, an area of growth was not looking deep enough into my god and not giving as clear information as i would’ve wanted to.

Core Competency

In this project, i showed critical thinking by thinking of ways to find the information needed to complete this assignment, also by thinking how i was going to show that information in a poster format; my area of strength was that i was quick to think of ways to lay out the information in the poster, however, i could’ve been more specific about the information and done more research about my god to make this project more complete.

Graphing a parabola

My parabola (red), and a standard parabola (blue)

This picture shows my parabola, y=-3(x-1)^2+3 in comparison to a standard parabola equation, y=x^2. The standard parabola is missing 3 important factors that my parabola does have making it look different in comparison, these being A, H and K, each one of these has an important job in an equation, for starters A determines the width of your parabola which in my case is ‘-3’ making my parabola not so wide, what A also does is it tells you whether your parabola is going up or down, in my case it is a negative number, therefore my parabola will open downwards; the jobs of H and K is to give your parabola a vertex, meaning a starting point, my equations has the numbers -1 for the x-axis and 3 for the y-axis, which means 1 to the right and 3 up, making my vertex (1,3) in comparison to the standard parabola that has a vertex of (0,0).


1.Give an example from this assignment where you represented the same mathematical idea in three different ways? (for example, as a graph, an equation and in words)

I was able to show the same mathematical idea in three different ways, I did through my equation, my graph and in words by explaining my understanding of the significance of the values A, H and K in a parabola and demonstrating what they look like graphed.

2.Give an example from this assignment where you used mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate your understanding.

I demonstrated my understanding and used mathematical vocabulary while comparing the 2 parabolas in the graph by explaining the differences between the 2 and using terms such as “x-axis”, “y-axis” and “vertex” as well as explaining myself to make myself clear to the reader.

3.Give an example from this assignment where you used formatting to share the information in a clear and organized way.

One thing I did to make this presentation clearer was to make a space between the texts, that way the writing will not be disorganized, and it will be much better structured and easier to understand when reading, I used proper terms and clear language as well, to make myself more clear and share the information in a more efficient way.