How To Use Parenthesis

This instructional design about parenthesis was created by Devonte, Aiden and myself for English 9 class

Communication reflection

The main purpose of this design was to explain what parenthesis is and how to use it, my group and I decided to do out project on PowerPoint because all 3 of us knew how to use it and it wouldn’t be difficult to work on, we did most of the work in class, so we weren’t in class we just texted f we needed help, since we did most of the work in class, we all gave our ideas and worked together, we worked well as a group, the time was a struggle but we used the time we had wisely, the ideas from the 3 of us were similar so we didn’t face a lot of problems, I am satisfied with the result having in mind the time we had I think we did a pretty good job, maybe next time I would work more on the design, specially the colours.{e9ec404d-c8a5-42b9-b3e5-aeda5617af89}&action=embedview&wdAr=1.7777777777777777