Nutrition / Healthy Lifestyle Reflection

I’ve learned this unit that nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is really important to your physical and even metal health. Everyone has different diets, some really healthy and some not as much. Even just thinking about diets, one thing I don’t do is eat breakfast. Is it necessarily a good thing? The reason I don’t eat breakfast on school day is because it makes me sick eating so early in the morning, but this unit has taught me that breakfast gives you strength and energy to start your day. Then comes nutrition, its good to have a balanced diet, that makes you feel good and energized throughout the day. Having a well diet is also good for your mental health because knowing that you are not snacking all day can make you feel better.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group
– I actually enjoy group work because your hearing other opinions then yours, different perspectives to understand the key points to make the work better. I also like working with friends because its fun and you get to do projects together
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.
– Everybody needs help at least once, speaking for my self as well. If someone is struggling in class and I understand what we are doing I will try my best to help them. Even if I don’t understand what I’m doing, we could try and figure it out the problem together.
I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, school, or community.
– I try to participate in classroom activities as much as I can, I also enjoy listening to class discussion because it helps me understand and improve on my learning.