My Identity – Scaling Project
Part One
Culture 35%, Friends 20%, Family 15%, Humor 15%, Music 15%
c u l t u t r e
I value culture 35% because that’s who I am. Culture is a big part of my life, all my beliefs and values come from my culture. It’s taught me to put others first.
f r i e n d s
friends play an important part in my life; they support me no matter what and laugh with me when I have a good time
o l d e r s i s t e r
Being an older sister I value 15% because my brother is so important to me. He’s the person I will laugh with for hours and I’ll always be there for him. It’s nice to know that’s I’ll always have a sibling by my side.
h u m o r
I think humor of laughter is a valuable quality. Humor is a way for me to express myself and show my personality. Plus, laughing is just plain fun!
m u s i c
Music is a way for me to express myself and connect with others. It can help me to relax and unwind after a long day, or it can energize me and get me pumped up. Music is a universal language that can bring people together, and it can help me to feel more connected to the world around me. Whether I’m listening to my favorite songs or playing an instrument, music is an important part of my life that I like.

Part 2
A) How was this different than your shape in part 1?
The body outline was a different structure to the circle. It was a lot hated to evenly mark the percentages and was a lot more accurate on the circle.
B) How were you able to calculate your identities accurately?
I found this the hardest part of the assignment, I value each thing 100% and it was hard to choose the right numbers. Rather than trying to calculate it, I focused on exposing and understanding the different parts of myself and what makes me. When it came to choosing the numbers I chose what makes me me and went off of that.
C) What shapes would you recommend others for this project? Why?
I would recommend a star if you wanted to use all even numbers. Or you could use other shapes like a rectangle, which would be easier and more accurate to split.