Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection

3 Core Competencies
I can analyze evidence to make judgements.
For this assignment, we had to pick a song and describe three different psychological perspectives that the music focuses on. I chose the song “In my Blood” by Shawn Mendes. We got given a list of psychological perspectives to choose from, I analyzed the evidence to make judgments and connections between which perspectives related to the meaning behind the lyrics.
I can reflect on my thinking.
Making this mind map, I used a lot of creative thinking, I made connections from the lyrics and psychological perspectives. While reading and listening to the lyrics, I gave careful thought to my thoughts in an attempt to comprehend the singer’s experiences.
I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.
Choosing a song that talks about dealing with a psychological disorder was a bit difficult. After some thought I chose the song in my Blood. I built off the idea that the lyrics talk about the struggles with anxiety. I made connections and went more in depth about how dealing with anxiety can look like.