Archive of ‘Communication’ category

Titration Lab 20c Edublog

Curricular Competency Explanation

A titration is a lab technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution. In this lab, we used titrations to find out how much base was needed to neutralize an acid, which was HCl in our lab. To do this, we added a few drops of phenolphthalein, to the acid. The goal was to reach a very light pink colour, that shows for about 30 seconds. We knew the endpoint was close then the pink colour started to last longer. This Is when we started to use the technique of single and half drops, leading us with a more accurate result. After getting a good titration we calculated the Molarity of HCl, which was 0.136M, with an uncertainty of 0.7%. 

Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated communication skills with my partner throughout Lab 20c. We worked together to decide which step each of us would take, and we also discussed where we needed help from one another. A great example I can think of is, when it came to getting the pipette accuracy just right, we agreed that I should do that part of the lab, since I found it easier. While my partner was better at achieving accuracy when it came to the single and half drops. Because of our clear communication, we were able to complete two titrations with an average difference of only 0.01%. Another example, was when determining whether the titration had reached the correct colour. It was really enjoyable watching the bright pink colour change into a faint pink. We both felt a sense of accomplishment when the titration reached the perfect faint pink. Communication was a big factor with each other, that made this lab achievable and accurate.

EFP 11 Reflection

Curricular Competencies Reflection

For this project, our group had to work together to create a presentation about a character from Thomas King’s book “Green Grass Running Water.” We were given the character Latisha, who had both advantages and disadvantages. I learned a lot about indigenous perspectives and even the treatment of women at times from reading only about Latisha. I thought that I spoke pretty clearly and, for the most part, confidently when I was delivering the power point. The presentations, in my opinion, was really successful in making our points very evident.

Core Competencies Reflection- Communication/Collaboration

During project preparation, I noticed that the group worked effectively together. To make things fair, we all collaborated and divided the presentation into equal parts. We would all contribute to making the presentation the best it could be.

Science 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


We all communicated nicely with one another as a group. We all worked together to complete the project.  We discussed the material we wished to research in our communication. We had to research and discuss the energy source of our choosing for the project; our group settled on wind energy. Each of us selected the subject under which we wished to find the material, and we also helped one another when we ran into problems. We all collaborated on the project, which made it much easier for me.


This is the outline of out project, after a lot more information and color it looked a lot better. We all did study on wind energy and learnt a lot about I learned that wind energy is very helpful in day to day life. Even though we didn’t have to present the project it was very nice working in a group with those people, everybody took part and it looked great.