When I need to boost my mood or re- focus,I pause for a moment to assess, take a short rest, and then resume working. Whenever I become distracted while working, I’m frequently stressed out or tired. In that situation, I might take a brief break to check my phone or eat a small snack before attempting to re focus
Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are communication. When your on the same page as people your relationship is better and even fun. As well as helping others because you can both learn and help each other.
An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is Trigonometry. At first it was a little difficult to understand the concept of it but that more we learnt it the easier trig got.
Example of where I have communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen in group or partner work. I work a lot with my friend at my desk and we communicate a lot which makes the class a lot easier.
Dress codes
Dress codes and uniforms have been researched for years and it’s quite a contentious issue. Opinions and thoughts are always going to be different depending on who you ask, regardless of gender, and this argument will long continue to be discussed, researched, and wrote about.
As we’re in school right now, I’m going to start with saying
- School dress codes are not just a list of things that you can or cannot wear, they go way beyond that. It teaches people that their bodies have to be hidden.
- It mainly targets girls/ women discreetly because although people may say “you can wear what you like” but at the same time they’re thinking “you should also know the line and not cross it”
People use clothing as a self-expression of themselves. People have unique styles, and they should be free to dress how comfortable they feel. Research shows when a person dresses how they like, they are a version of their best self, as it’s something they don’t have to think about and follow what everyone thinks they should be like.
One of the main problems is that schools have strict dress codes that irritate students and mainly discriminate against girls”
One rule that comes to mind is the fingertip rule (that’s when your shorts can’t be shorter, your fingertips against your legs)
It’s not girls’ fault if someone else sees them and has negative or inappropriate thoughts about them. They may just feel comfortable wearing a skirt at that length and it’s up to them.
I know of 2 cases where a friend of mine was sent home to change because they were wearing something deemed inappropriate. What about their learning in class? They had to miss lessons and catch up later just because of this school dress code rule.
I’ve noticed since coming to this school, students in all grades both male and female wear ripped jeans. Me personally, think there cool but I know of other people that talk and think they look cheap and inappropriate, especially for girls. but why? It’s just showing a little bit of skin. What about when boys wear shorts? They reveal a lot more.
Farther, talking about jeans, I read an article on blue jeans. I bet we all own a pair, but did you know, there is also another point of contention in dress code gender bias.
Male workers were able to wear jeans from as far back as 1873, but it wasn’t until 1934 – 61 years later – that a pair of jeans designed for women was even released.” So unfair.
To conclude I would like to say, in my opinion I think school dress codes are unfair. They generally tend to target female students and there is so much more pressure on them. Being a student in high school can already be quite a difficult period of life and having added pressure about how to look and dress adds more to the daily stresses of life. People should be allowed to wear what they’re comfortable in and not worry about what others are thinking.
(The Document would not work) Speech attached above
Curricular Competencies Reflection
I am most proud of my pervasive speech since it was the first actual speech I had ever prepared and delivered. I learnt a lot while working on this assignment, including how to create a speech that flows and has crucial facts that persuade listeners. I really enjoyed creating speeches because we were allowed to write whatever we wanted, which made the project easy. I anticipate giving more talks in the future, therefore I want to improve and become a more confident reader.
Core Competencies Reflection
I believe I applied a lot of critical and reflective thinking on this task. Finding a topic to write about during the beginig it was difficult for me, but once I thought of dress regulations, the thoughts just kept flooding. It was a little easier for me to put the speech together because I had a strong enthusiasm for it.