R1 – うらない

There are many different ways of telling someone’s fortune in different countries but the one topic that is pretty similar for everyone, is knowing their horoscope, blood type, personality test. Though, Because there isn’t enough scientific evidence to back up horoscopes and blood type personality theories claims about personality or future events, they are typically considered as false science. Though not supported by science, they can be entertaining or a good way for certain individuals to reflect on themselves and can offer meaningful insights into personality traits. Despite this, even personality tests should be considered as tools for understanding traits and behaviors rather than end measures of one’s identity. Being judged according to these criteria is also rather common, which makes me think of the times when I was also judged according to mine. Most often by horoscope accounts on social media, but not always by friends. I would say that my feelings were based on what people would say about me. The ones on social media are actually quite relatable, which is surprising, but the way friends would describe it, is just them proving a point haha. Because of their continuing appeal, fortunes, horoscopes, and personality tests remain popular today. They provide amusement and a feeling of happiness, giving people a fun method to interact with one another and engage with daily life. There are also many things people believe can bring good or bad luck. For instance, finding a four-leaf clover or carrying a rabbit’s foot are commonly thought to bring good fortune due to their perceived rarity and historical significance. But then, breaking a mirror is widely believed to result in seven years of bad luck, possibly stemming from ancient beliefs about mirrors holding a piece of the soul. Walking under a ladder is also considered unlucky, often attributed to the ladder forming a triangle, which is considered a sacred shape in some cultures.

Desmos Self-Portrait


This is my Desmos graph. Am I proud of it? Not much but did it take long? Yes. If I’m being honest I didn’t like the way it turned out and I feel like I should’ve explored the different ways of graphing more but I did try my best. Other than using the oval and the circle shapes, I used way too many “polygons” with so many different points which was pretty time consuming.

Personal/Social Competency Reflection


· My strategies for learning and practicing specific guitar techniques include asking the teacher for more guidance and if not, then I would search for people who might have a better understanding of what we are working on and ask for guidance from them.

· If there is musical disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to try and listen to the point my teammates are trying to make in order to understand their argument in a way that would make sense. After, I will also try to make my point more clear to the people in my group.

· When I need to collaborate musically with people I don’t know well, I try to introduce myself first, then proceed to try and bring up how well educated they are and their level on music and I will do the same also. Since communicating with people is pretty easy for me and it’s usually my thing, I see no problem working with people I probably don’t know.

RSelf Study.

What you did well and how you can improve your Japanese study habits?

I can’t really say I did well on a specific topic because this was my first time studying Japanese and everything was new to me, and it may seem a little selfish, but I think I did well on knowing and comprehending the meanings of vocabulary. I’m going to improve by practising by making more proper sentences.

3 Core Competencies.

  1. I am so curious about how to write a perfect decent paragraph in Japanese or how to give an impressive speech, therefore I’m going to take additional Japanese classes, practise on different apps, and get guidance from professionals.
  2. I have valuable ideas to share about how to learn and understand Japanese easier and better and that is to listen to more Jpops, watch more Japanese shows (Jdrama, Anime). They might not sound usefull, but they actually do work.
  3. To celebrate an accomplishment such as being able to learn my third language, I will try to speak more of the language especially with my friends. Also I will recommend it to other people as well.

How will you continue your Japanese language acquisition over the year?

As of now, all I can do is study what I’ve been taught so far, and exchange small conversations in Japanese. For the following year I will be taking Japanese course again.

If you could travel back in time, what study/language advice would you give yourself or others?

To be honest, if I could do that, the advise I would give to myself or even others is to not complete the assignments the day before it’s due date/the day it’s due. I would also tell myself/others to start studying for the tests on the day the teacher announces it and not study the day before.

R4 – School Life

How does school in Japan compare to Canada?

Well basically, you are required to attend universities in Japan’s high schools without considering your career goals. Meanwhile, you might attend classes in this curriculum in Canada before you graduate from high school to plan your future. Also, Japan has a 9 year compulsory education system that requires all children to complete elementary and middle school. As a result, Japan boasts one of the highest literacy rates in the world, up to a total of 99 percent.

Is there anything they do in Japan, that you wish we did at Centennial?

In Japan, students wear uniforms, but here in Centennial (or even Canada) students don’t wear uniforms (only some private schools do). In my opinion, if we had uniforms then we wouldn’t have to worry about what type of clothes we have to wear or what style, to not get judged.

Do you think that students should have more responsibilities at school like cleaning duty? Why?

I do think so because students will be more responsible and prepared for life as they get older if the education system forces them to keep the school clean. Requiring students to maintain their schools clean not only teaches them responsibility but also teaches them respect.

How lucky are you in じゃんけん? Would you be able to snag leftovers?

I’m pretty confident😎 so I think I’m also pretty lucky in this game (^-^), plus it’s not only about being lucky, it’s also about knowing how to play and knowing some techniques (knowing what to play out of rock paper scissors in the next round to win.).

Core Competency Self-Assestment.

The artifact that I chose was one of the labs we did during class which made me more familiar with how to write a procedure and measure everything needed for the lab.

I also made the decision to use this artifact. I took a screenshot of one of my computer-created notes for studying for the Chemistry Final.

The items I’ve listed here have a connection to “Creative Thinking.” Since we were expected to measure the necessary substances for the experiment, several methods were employed to create the procedures and complete the lab independently. I gained a lot of abilities through this course. For example, I discovered how to determine the number of grams, moles, molarity, and liters used in a solution (shown in all the pictures provided.) I was able to write a whole procedure and calculate the after-lab measurements with ease, as can be seen in the first two images. One of the abilities I also acquired was that.

Core Competencies – Yearbook.

I was tasked with working on a shared page with Golbarg as well since I had a few pages to create and design. I did everything I could to create the finest possible design for my page, giving it my all in the process. I discussed my page with my partner and asked for her design suggestions in addition to my own. Following a discussion in which we discussed our various ideas, we integrated them and began to create our page. We still exchanged page-building ideas for our own pages despite not having a shared one. 

R3 – Japanese Mascots

The Mascot I chose:

Name: Bainyako-san

Prefecture: Toyama

Why did I choose this Mascot?: To be honest I kind of liked the way this mascot was designed and it was placed 110th so that’s not pretty bad.

What makes Japanese mascots different from the ones we see in Canada? and Why do you think mascots are so popular in Japan?: The popularity of Japan’s mascots is an example of how much the country loves charming fictitious characters. Japanese mascots are lovable characters that stand in for towns, regions, companies, and festivals. However, this is also a highly profitable business with a billion-dollar market.

Do you think Canada should have a similar take on mascots? Explain: Personally, I don’t believe Canada should share Japan’s national mascot. since Japan is where they are most well-known. It is preferable to employ them in local Japanese stores or traditions if Canada wants to use such mascots.

R2 -ようかい

  1. Which Yokai did you pick? why? The Yokai I chose was あかてこ (Akateko). The actual reason I picked this Yokai was because I really liked the name which traslates to Red Child’s Hand so basically it got my attention. Also the picture was really intresting too.
  2. Name some characteristics and provide a background history/summary on your Yokai. The akateko appears—just as the name implies—as a red, disembodied hand belonging to a child. It’s basically a red hand hanging from a tree. Aside from giving its victims a nasty surprise and the general creepiness of a disembodied red child’s hand, it is not known for causing any great harm. Some people have seen the figure of a furisode-wearing beautiful girl of 17 or 18 years standing underneath an akateko’s tree and those who witness her are immediately struck with a powerful fever. In these prefectures, akateko sometimes work together with another yokai called aka ashi which people say they are basically two forms of the same Yokai.
  3. Do you think Japanese Yokai differ from Western monsters and mythical creatures? Explain.  Yes, absolutely. Because The majority of yokai in Japanese mythology are more than just supernaturally endowed animals, some even have exceedingly odd appearances and skills.
  4. Do you believe in Yokai, monsters, ghosts, or mythical creatures? Why or why not? To be honest, some of these Yokais are a little weird and unbelievable and doesn’t makes sense, but yes I do believe in them because I actually like how weird they are. Whoever came up with them or even witnessed them must be super creative and traumatized… .

Here is also a pitcure related to Akateko (あかてこ):

Hanna F.

R1 – うらない

“Looking at your horoscope, blood type, personality test, etc. do you think that they are accurate? To what extent do you believe them?”

My blood type is O, my horoscope is Libra, and my personality type (MBTI) is ENFP-T.
I can tell that some of these are truly correct after doing some research and watching the suggested videos.
Some of the presumptions might be a little off, for instance, not all Libras are the same, although they are somewhat similar because they share the same horoscope.

“Have you ever judged or been judged by your horoscope, blood type, or personality test? If so, how did it feel?”

I feel like I’m being judged because there are so many various creators talking on social media about different personalities, blood types, and horoscopes. It might also be the other way around, as I’m going to judge or view individuals differently as a result of all the knowledge these creators have provided. In all honesty, I’m not sure how I feel about these posts because some of them aren’t quite accurate and could give the wrong impression of me. Even so, it’s funny to see how some of them are accurate.

“Why do you think that these fortunes are still popular today?”

I believe they are still popular because of how accurate they are and they are getting more accurate every day. No idea-

“What superstitions do you believe that give good or bad luck?”

I’m not really sure cause either way deciding what is good or bad luck, depends on that specific individual.