Linear System Group Assignment


Our group needed to come up with our own linear system and we needed to show how to represent the equation graphically and algebraically.

Curricular Response:

a) I remember that my teammates used so many different and important mathematic vocabularies such as (Linear system, algebra/algebraic, non-parallel, slope-intercept form, graph…) and many more. These words can improve understanding because every single of these words have their own meanings so, in conclusion, it’s easier to communicate with others and solve the equation by using these vocabularies.

b) The algebraic method we used was a form of substitution. The reason we used that method was because we found it easier to solve and to understand. Other methods were easy as well, but this one didn’t seem really difficult either, so, we agreed on this method.

Core Competency Self-Assessment:

  1. I work with others to achieve a goal. For example by trying to think about how to correctly answer the question as a group.

2. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. When it’s my turn, I try to do my best to solve the equations.

3. I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. When one of my teammates is having some trouble and/or solving the equation wrong, I try my best to point it out by not being offensive.

4. I find it easy to be part of a group. I can discuss about the equations that my group is supposed to do, easily with my group.

5. I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. When I feel like a question is confusing to me, I ask my teammates to help me and explain it to me or vice versa, when a teammate is confused about an equation I try to help them.


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