Why Japanese?

What inspired me to learn Japanese? : I actually really like Japanese and really wanted to learn it before but didn’t have the opportunity. But this year I decided to actually learn it. Also, because I have a few Japanese friends and I want to learn this language as much as I can to be able to communicate. I also started Japanese with Duolingo, so I wanted to actually continue. But mostly it was Ibuki and Hanbin who inspired me to actually learn Japanese. I also like anime so that inspired me too. Not gonna lie but I really wanted Ms.Illing to be my teacher too.

What do hope to do with my new language skills? : Be able to communicate in Japanese with my Japanese friends (it’s just fun to do that). I also want to be able to watch anime in sub and ACTUALLY be able to understand it.

How will I keep Myself motivated throughout this course? What will I do if I am struggling? : I will try to keep myself motivated by trying to talk with my friends in Japanese. Watch Japanese shows and try to understand them. If I was struggling with this course I will either ask my teacher or my friends.

Linear System Group Assignment


Our group needed to come up with our own linear system and we needed to show how to represent the equation graphically and algebraically.

Curricular Response:

a) I remember that my teammates used so many different and important mathematic vocabularies such as (Linear system, algebra/algebraic, non-parallel, slope-intercept form, graph…) and many more. These words can improve understanding because every single of these words have their own meanings so, in conclusion, it’s easier to communicate with others and solve the equation by using these vocabularies.

b) The algebraic method we used was a form of substitution. The reason we used that method was because we found it easier to solve and to understand. Other methods were easy as well, but this one didn’t seem really difficult either, so, we agreed on this method.

Core Competency Self-Assessment:

  1. I work with others to achieve a goal. For example by trying to think about how to correctly answer the question as a group.

2. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. When it’s my turn, I try to do my best to solve the equations.

3. I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. When one of my teammates is having some trouble and/or solving the equation wrong, I try my best to point it out by not being offensive.

4. I find it easy to be part of a group. I can discuss about the equations that my group is supposed to do, easily with my group.

5. I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. When I feel like a question is confusing to me, I ask my teammates to help me and explain it to me or vice versa, when a teammate is confused about an equation I try to help them.

Japanese-Canadian internment camps.

Personally, I don’t support these camps at all. The first reason would be, that who knows how they are going to be taken away? What if they are going to be taken away from their families in a brutal way? There is a possibility that they won’t be able to be around their loved ones. I’m sure they’re all worried about their houses and furniture and families. I’m pretty sure the results of being taken away from our families and our loved ones is not easy and probably can cause depression or even worse, what if they commit suicide because they don’t have anyone anymore. Most importantly why are they even being taken away? Not all of them are guilty and what if none of them are guilty and this is all because of racism?

Racism can completely change a person. That’s another reason that I don’t support these camps is that this is basically racism because the government is trying to give the white people a safe and a better place to live in. That is the problem here because the government is only thinking about the white people and not everyone, especially the Japanese-Canadians. Racism can cause a lot of damage to people and can change the way they live or the way they act.


Core Competency

  • I did ask and respond to questions to be an active and supportive listener.
  • I worked with others to achieve a goal.
  • I now understand what is important to me and I can explain my values.

Curricular Competency

  • I did assess and explained the justification for different views of Japanese-Canadian internment in my research handout and paragraph.
  • I made an ethical judgment about the action of the internment of the Japanese-Canadians in my paragraph.
  • I did analyze evidence from the research I did and made judgments.

Linear and Non-linear equations

This is not a Linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it’s not a straight line, but actually, it’s a circle, and I can tell from the equation because it has exponents.

y=1/2 x3

This is not a Linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it’s not a straight line and will never be because it has curves. I can tell from the equation because it has exponents.


This is a linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it’s a straight line. I can tell from the equation because it has the exponent of one.


This is a Linear equation. I can tell from the graph because it’s a straight line. I can tell from the equation because it only has the exponent of one.

Personal Awareness and Responsibility. How I manage school-related stress.

When I am sad, angry or frustrated about school, I listen to my favorite musics and talk with my friends. They help me be more productive or calm.

When I make mistakes, I don’t beat myself up. Instead I distract myself by doing other stuff or talk to my friends about it.

When I am feeling down about school, I remind myself that before I know it, all these years will be gone, or I just talk to my friends about it.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music or think about what I can do after that so I can motivate myself.
