My First year

My grade 9 year

this year I learned lots throughout grade 9. I had many fun projects but also a lot of challenging ones. this year pushed me to a harder working student with many more tests and assignments than my past years. one of my stretches coming into this year was English, my grammar had been very poor I my writing skills were non detailed and uninteresting. I overcame this challenge by reading other people’s story’s/books. I would say my writing skills have improved dramatically and am going to continue practicing. this year I’ve participated in the soccer program which helped gain skill I’m soccer but also made me a lot of new friends. we were knocked out in the second round of playoffs, but I still had an amazing time.

A useful educational website


I chose this link because it helped me find a lot of information in an easier way during our socials Adl project. This site also gave me a lot of good ideas on what to write about. This website is a very good ai tool if you need to find information in a quick easy way.

A useful educational video

I chose this video because it taught me most of my information i had written about in my edublog post.

A useful educational image

i chose this image because it helped me tremendously. he taught me most of my skills in my math units and gave me a better understanding on how to do them.

an inspirational quote

“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,
Love like you’ll never be hurt,
Sing like there’s nobody listening,
And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
― William W. Purkey

My dad once said this quote and ill never forget it. it helps me in school to be more confident with speaking out loud.

work cited

Popular Quotes. Accessed 2 Apr. 2024.

digitial footprint how to stay safe – YouTube

ZoteroBib: Fast, free bibliography generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard citations (

Edublog post 1 rational numbers

a method I learned this unit

A method I learned this year was the lcm method known as the ladder method. This method helps you find the lcm fast and efficient.

did anything surprise you on the test

nothing surprises me on the test because we practiced and reviewed it all at school or home

social studies 9: final reflection

Semester Reflection

Novel study

this semester i completed an independent novel study by reading a book taken place in the early 1800s called Tom sawyer. This book was about a boy and his friends exploring their own little town and showing how much different the 1800s was.. i feel if people nowadays tried to emulate the things tom and his friends did would be much harder now like disappearing or stealing gold which would be much more difficult because of cameras and other new technology. a time when i used my ideas and evidence bes was when writing our novel study papers each week. I made sure to take time on each question and put extra quotes. in todays life doing what tom did would be extremely hard and you would suffer a lot of consequences for lying and stealing and would face lots of jail time for it.

Core Competencies

1 I can examine and evaluate and evaluate to improve my own work i do this by checking my work twice and finding new ways of writing or ore detailed words to chose.

2 i have valuable ideas to share about, i do so by comparing my work with someone else’s share and see what i can improve on.

3 while completing my assignment i faced uncertainty so i found more descriptive words and got my mom to check over my writing.