Reflecting on English Studies 12

My Artifact

Curricular Competency Reflection

With righting this paragraph I learned to compare this book to a real life issue. Using different resources online, the classmates around me and basing it off my own opinion I was able to create a reason on why euthanasia should never be an option. I learned to connect our topic euthanasia to a scene from the book and be able to discuss about what I thought was right. The big thing with this assignment that I was able to retain was expressing my own opinion and defending it with facts and examples. Using different techniques to showcase facts and information in a way to represent my side of the argument.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen throughout the paragraph starting from stating the book and author of what I am talking about. I then go into detail about my own opinion giving a clear understanding of the point I am trying to get across. Also giving an example from the book helped demonstrate the topic I was discussing while giving a visual for the reader.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this paragraph. Basing my own opinion on the scenario in the book “All Quiet on the Western Front” I was able to use this as evidence to defend my point of view. Helping with explaining the reasoning for my opinion on euthanasia I created and defended my side of the argument using facts and evidence from the book.

Dolce et Decorum est: Poetry in Voice Reflection

My Poem

Curricular Competency Reflection

Picking my poem was definitely the hardest part for me. Our criteria was to choose a poem off this website that was at least 25 lines long. Some were too long, others were too short and I did not know what type of poem I wanted. Ms. Olchowy was egging me on to pick as I was one of the last to choose. I fell across this poem and didn’t want to look more so I settled on my poem. Reciting my poem with a partner was the most beneficial to me in order to memorize my poem. Continuously going back and forth re-reading and presenting each others poems to help us feel connected to our poems. Another strategy I used was I found my poem online and downloaded it so I could listen when I was bored or felt like practicing. Doing our paragraph write helped me learn more about what my poem was about because I did not understand every word used in my poem. I was able to memorize my lines a little easier because I now knew the context behind the words and their meanings.

Core Competency Reflection

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are practicing reciting in front of peers and people I don’t really engage with everyday helped speaking in front of the class be a little easier and less stressful. Helped me be more confident going up and feel good about my self and my poem.

I appreciate feedback of my speaking and my emotions used when reciting my poem and prefer it comes in the form of in person feedback through my peers as they know exactly what I need to improve on and I can trust them to give me an honest word on what I need to work on.

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is the constant practice with reading our poems aloud to improve the public speaking aspect. It also helped with the mood changes with each sentence figuring out the best way to recite each line.