Spanish Dialogue

I feel that I used the core competency of collaborating during the writing of this script given the coordination and implementation skills that were needed during the writing of the script. The group I found myself in was a group of people I already got along with, so sharing and implementing ideas was easier. This absence of difficulty continued with the rehearsal, although we did not pay any attention to our movements – we only practiced pronunciation and emphasis. However, we made many mistakes like forgetting accents, misusing words and highlighting the wrong idioms/transitional phrases. These errors are only technical and would have been catcher given a round of proofreading.

Slinky Lab Core Competency

Reflecting On The Lab Itself

Could’ve been better. Add some wacky stuff into labs, dude. Have us splitting atoms, bending space-time and tearing it in half. Wouldn’t be that hard for Grade 11s to do. In all seriousness, the lab taught me nothing that the notes package didn’t do already, which made it all the more disheartening when I found out that I now have to reflect on it. Reflect on what? I don’t want to be rude, but you served me a nothing burger – which I already get from the cafeteria.

Critical Thinking Reflection

I demonstrated critical thinking when I saw the results of the experiments and noted them down. I also approached you when the results from real life didn’t match up with the theoretical. Were you expecting something grandiose; so big it could tear the rivets off the metaphorical ceiling? I can’t. My reflection is a joint, uhm, reflection of my volition and the quality of the assignment at hand. Guess which one is lower.

It’s both.

Core Competency Reflection

While making the legs for my footstool, I had cut the B parts 1/4 inch too wide and had already glued them together – so i had to find a way to shorten the width cleanly and without ruining the legs. So i went to the table saw and cut them to width. I will now be a tad more careful before gluing pieces together.

Core Competency Goals

i. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I remind myself that I am, in fact, not the poor sod who thought that the core competency curriculum was a good idea. I thought that everything SD43 touches turned into manure like the antithesis to Midas [and what a naïve thought that was to think that the problem had only gone up one level], but now I realize that this curse has befallen the entire BC government. It is now my goal to renounce this singular aspect of the curriculum each and every single time I am told to do it.

ii. Because I know the Core Competency Curriculum can have a negative impact on my opinion of the educational system, I make sure that I get to complain about it at every moment I get to help reduce any problems. – the only way to make sure that I retain even the tiniest smidgen of respect for the Board of Education is to vent all of my frustration to at least one person who is complicit in delivering this filth; doing so will make sure I can not let it out on myself.

iii. How do you learn best? I learn best with a “hands-on” approach – there is no better way to learn how to do an action or learn a concept via either doing that specified action or doing an interactive project that explains the ins-and-outs of said concept, instead of listening to some person drone on and on over some PowerPoint slides.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated the core competency of thinking by using evidence to make judgements on what I should or should not do on my project. I have actively chosen to fire my neurons and make the executive decision to label my family tree’s personal titles in Spanish because I am in a Spanish class and it would be stupid not to make everything in Spanish. I normally hate thinking and love to live my life in autopilot mode, but I made an exception for this class and this class only. I hate my life and this class.

CPR Reflection

  1. What is something you learned or that you didn’t know or consider before?

I learned that the 2 breaths have been fazed out as of recently and that the Heimlich family did not allow their name to be associated with the obstructed airway procedure.

2. What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit?

I didn’t really learn much other than where to place my hands in a scenario. This class is boring.

3. How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?

We sat depressed in a classroom for the entire block.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I can ask open-ended questions to gather information

My only interaction in this class is asking only the most stupid and outlandish questions like “What if they owe us money?”

2. I can reflect on my thinking.

Yes, I did reflect on all of my stupid questions and made the executive decision to not do anything about them. I will continue to be a complete idiot in class.

3. I can tell what is important to me and explain my values.

There is one declaration I can make right here, right now about what is important to me. Or rather, what isn’t. CPR is utterly useless to me and will serve no meaningful purpose in my life. Any values I had up to that point I had to re-adjust in order to scrub them clean of anything that is related to CPR.

4. I can identify and describe my qualities.

  1. Fat
  2. Stupid
  3. Fat
  4. Polish
  5. Stupid
  6. Fat

How To Use Hyphens

My group (Mason, Kaden and I) created an instructional infographic for using hyphens properly for our English 9 class.

Communication Reflection

The purpose was to teach people how to use hyphens correctly. The program that I used for typing the notes was Word. We barely communicated with each other (and when we did, we used e-mail) and as such there wasn’t much feedback thrown around, I can’t answer that question. My task was to write up some notes on how to use hyphens. As for ‘making sure each member contributed to a design’, I stayed out of their business. Can’t answer that question. Because we all barely communicated and left each other alone, the ‘groupwork’ part was solely placebo. We didn’t use time efficiently together. Thing is with not talking to each other, we didn’t have to make any decisions together. The workflow was smoothness, with no problems encountered. Overall, the work was satisfactory and trying to improve it would be a waste of time in my opinion.