My Grade 9 Year

For my first year of high school I have been enjoying it and has been easier then i thought going compared to what i thought it would be, I just need to focus but its hard for me. My grades have gone down since grade 8 because its harder for me to focus but with all the great teachers my grades are going up for the starts of the semester. A challenge i have overcame this year was getting used to how fast we go through units. There is less time to get work done but the flex blocks it makes getting everything done a lot easier. This year I have loved the lunch block. I love having the freedom to go where ever I want and even just going on walks helps me to clear my mind but i dont think its long enough so there are some restrictions on where I can go.

My Educational Website


YouTube is a website most people know it is used for entertainment but it can also be used to learn, I am a visual learner so it really helps my teachers use it a lot to make learning less boring.

A Useful Educational Video

I chose this video because my teacher showed me it last semester and it helped me get a proficient becuase polynomials unit is the base and the most important unit.

A Useful Educational Image

Our group of 4 took this picture to demonstrate our learning in a lab by extracting silver from the metal and have it grown around it after some time.


”You miss %100 percent of the shots you dont take”

I chose this quote because my dad keeps saying it because in lacrosse I didn’t have a lot of confidence

Works Cited

mathantics. Algebra Basics: Solving Basic Equations Part 1 – Math Antics. 2015. YouTube,



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