English 9 Tribute Costume Project

My tribute costume would consist of a long double-breasted coat, white ski pants, black dress shoes and leather gloves. There will be a brown leather belt going around my waist over my coat, and it will also have two small pouches with first-aid supplies inside. The reason why I chose this costume is mainly because I like long coats in general, and I also like clothes that cover most of the body. I also put a red beret on my head, since I wanted to find something that would fit this fashion, and this turned out to be the best option.

My personality matched the costume quite well. I like coats that covers almost down below my knees, since I like to stay nice and warm at all times. That is why I usually stay inside when it is too cold outside, and pack myself up with bunch of thick layers of clothes when having to go out.

My tactics for surviving in the Hunger Games would be using guerilla tactics against other combatants while hiding out in the woods. I would hide either behind or on thick and large trees and avoid gathering attention from the other combatants.


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