My Digital Footprint

After watching the video, I immidiately googled myself in curiousity, and got surprisingly boring results. I was greeted with pictures of Asian businessmen and realtors, with some other ethnic Asian looking celebrities that I’ve never even seen or heard of before. I was quite let down by this. After that, I decided to search my Instagram ID up. Then, I realized that I got to see my own posts since I was automatically logged into Instagram at all times on my device. It led me to my account page right away at the top of the screen, which brought me to a conclusion that all this process was basically useless, and had no realistic effect in me learning about my cyber vulnerabilities.

However, my view upon the current day youths’ common use Social Networking Service still holds its ground. I think it is best to keep much things about yourself personal as much as you can. There is not much, if not no reason to post your daily life into the public cyberspace where everyone can see your posts, as long as they’re following you. I do agree to the statement that it becomes extremely tempting to show off what you did for a day, especially as a teenage/young adult, when you are experiencing new things alomost day by day, but this could lead to exposure of personal information or general view into your daily life which other people may look at, and take it as your weakness by threatning you to expose the side of your personal daily life to people who you probably do not wish to share them with. This may sound quite unrealistic, but it really does happen. The range of threat that could be agressed against you if you do not watch what actions you take online does not end here. Online commments you post, online purchases you make, and even things you search up on the internet could really affect your future. If your history of posting comments that clearly attacks others either actively or passively is discovered either by your school or workplace, this could work against you very well, and probably would impact your future courier as well. Not only this, your family could view you in different ways which would only make you feel uncomfortable and shamed. This is very unhealthy for your mental health as well. This leads me to my conclusion, that if you do not watch what you post online, and make naive mistakes, this could actually put you in some serious trouble.


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